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IVA Forum Topics

After what seemed longer than 5 years I paid my final payment earlier this month and got my...
by Pryde on 24/01/25

Hi I recently opened up an iva application and worrying about the meeting of creditors. I owe about...
by Dp97 on 05/01/25

So I’m currently in an Iva I have 17 months left but live has taken a sudden turn I usually go...
by Lauren1995 on 15/10/24

Just sent all off for last annual review. Gota say, this one hits different and the nerves are...
by nicola715 on 01/08/24

My husband and I are considering entering an IVA. We currently have a mortgage with Barclays which...
by Daniella on 31/07/24

As my 6th year has passed, all my Defaults have dropped off apart from this which has appeared with...
by Parki1979 on 24/07/24

Hey, Husband now has a permanent employed position this involves him travelling up and down the...
by adambecki2011 on 22/07/24

Hey, Husband now has a permanent employed position this involves him travelling up and down the...
by adambecki2011 on 22/07/24

Hi, My partner sadly passed away midterm in 5 year IVA. Had terminal illness at time of agreeing IVA...
by anu on 11/05/24

Hi. I was just wondering if someone could tell me why my credit score has suddenly shot up? I'm in...
by clare357 on 01/03/24

If my IVA is approved on the day I get paid and I get a bonus that day does it need declaring?...
by imbadwithmoney on 25/01/24

Hi all, Lots of useful advice here so I'm really grateful for all the contributors efforts. I am...
by imbadwithmoney on 11/01/24

When a bailiff writes you a letter that they are going to come to your property to seize goods, ...
by flamingate on 08/01/24

I'm struggling to get a remortgage because I'm telling the lenders I just finished my iva. It's gone...
by wakeywakey on 05/01/24

Hi I am in the process of submitting a full and final offer. I am 3 years into my 6 year plan paying...
by LIVA on 03/01/24

Vanquis CC - why have they generated me a Purchase interest of £140 (in statement) when my balance...
by flamingate on 01/01/24

Hi, I was just looking for some advice on a full and final offer. I have £8.675 left to pay and my...
by clare357 on 25/11/23

Hi there has anyone got any advice please I am currently going through a remortgage I finished my...
by Lincolnshire123 on 20/11/23

6.5 years after I first made contact with stepchange and its all over. I have my completion...
by adam040772 on 18/11/23

Hello. I’m looking to send the IVA company a F&F offer. So far I made 32 payments and I have 28...
by EduLaur91 on 07/11/23

Hello everyone, just been in contact with momey wellness, Long story short been threw all details...
by Lee2023 on 01/11/23

Hi All, My 6 year long IVA finished in August. I have my completion certificate. I checked my...
by hess23 on 23/10/23

Just had my first meeting for Iva this morning and my Ip called to say Plend have rejected the...
by irishlad on 20/10/23

Hello does anyone have any experience with PayPlan f&f settlement and how long the process was from...
by Zeezee2606 on 03/10/23

Sorry another question....so my husband is also in an IVA. We've just done his self assessment tax...
by Coline81 on 25/09/23

Hi I’m with PayPlan and will be making what should have been my final IVA payment at the end of...
by Coline81 on 25/09/23

Hi guys, I read loads of articles on here saying that the iva dropped off their credit file after 6...
by wakeywakey on 21/09/23

Hello to everyone. I have few questions regarding Sprout Loans. I’m currently halfway through my...
by EduLaur91 on 14/09/23

Hi, Can someone please explain to me what the percentage of additional assets actually means and...
by Carra_Rud on 14/09/23

Hope this is OK to post. I've recently been going through pre employment checks for a role that...
by Tom1977 on 14/09/23

Hi, We are at month 54 of our iva and creditfix are looking at releasing equity to pay the...
by Carra_Rud on 05/09/23

Hi All, Made my final settlement on the 9th August. Took about 3 months for the offer to be...
by James203 on 20/08/23

Heard today its all good. Contribution went up but due to my husbands pay raise that was expected....
by nicola715 on 15/08/23

Hello long story short I’ve been emailing my Iva company back and thro last couple weeks. Pretty...
by Lee2023 on 14/08/23

Hi there full and final accepted about 8 weeks ago now has anyone any recent experience of how long...
by Lincolnshire123 on 10/08/23

Hello everyone. I was recently in a Iva and used the forum for answers. all completed and needed a...
by Suki12 on 09/08/23

So I finally decided to get some help with my debts. As someone who has been a responsible borrower...
by SiroVai on 07/08/23

Im in the fortunate position of being able to make a full and final settlement offer thanks to a...
by adam040772 on 03/08/23

Currrntly in an Iva but considering going into a DRO Can anyone confirm if you can go onto a DRO if...
by Lee2023 on 26/07/23

Hello I’ve been in an Iva since Feb 2019, Had a recent house move as landlord was selling ect,...
by Lee2023 on 25/07/23

Hi all, I am after some advise. I entered an IVA with an opening balance of £19,568. At the time...
by LJColeman on 21/07/23

So we’re done, we got our completion certificate whoooo! I know it will take time for credit...
by Anxiousallthetime on 16/07/23

Hi I was underpaid from an employer in May and they said that they would pay me the shortfall in...
by Neleh on 13/07/23

Hi there, I have somehow managed to complete my IVA but i have just received a letter of...
by wakeywakey on 12/07/23

Hi all, My initial relief at finishing my IVA has been stunted a bit by the fact it is still...
by wakeywakey on 11/07/23

Our annual review is coming up. My youngest (5) has serious issues with speech. Lomg story short his...
by nicola715 on 08/07/23

Hi all, we are in our last 9 months ( year6) of our iva. Never missed payments and never asked or...
by Reginald22 on 30/06/23

Hi So we paid off our Iva in April, everywhere I look says 12 weeks until we get the certificate....
by Anxiousallthetime on 26/06/23

In order to avoid strike action my work have agreed to pay everyone a one off 2k cost of living...
by nicola715 on 22/06/23

Hi. Has anybody had a loan approved by their iva ? I'm looking to book my wedding but could do with...
by clare357 on 12/06/23

With June being 5 years I have just made my final payment to PayPlan. I would like to thank Foggy,...
by Parki1979 on 26/05/23

Hi all I’ve just paid off my IVA with the inheritance money I received . They did it by the 100...
by Bob451 on 24/05/23

Hi all My father died last year and I’ve just received £33.000 inheritance . My original Debt was...
by Bob451 on 18/05/23

Good afternoon. I am in a situation where I'm glad to say that a family member has offered to...
by jono1976 on 03/05/23

Hi all, I completed by IVA early (started early 2018, completed via F&F offer early 2020). My...
by DroneOn on 28/04/23

Hi all, Apologies for the long post ahead, just seeing if anyone is/has been in the same boat. ...
by IVAFeb2025 on 23/04/23

Hello I’m looking for some advice. I am 18 months into my Iva now and am hoping to ask a friend...
by Nat79 on 13/04/23

Hi, We have submitted our tax return for 2022/2023 and have an overpayment due to us. We have...
by adambecki2011 on 11/04/23

I have previously posted about this but now need further advice. Apologies in advance for the long...
by A_MPK88 on 03/04/23

What is the residual value of a car lease?
by Mason33333 on 31/03/23

Hello, I started an IVA in 2019 due to historic debts, it was the easiest option at the time. ...
by jj10125 on 26/03/23

I have been in my IVA for around 18 months, prior to taking out the IVA I had car on finance. This...
by A_MPK88 on 18/03/23

So a family member has offered to pay my IVA off early so they've offered £10,000. I pay £314 a...
by tasha394 on 01/03/23

I'm looking for advice please so we are in a joint IVA, we pay £314 a month, we have paid £8,636...
by tasha394 on 22/02/23

Has anyone been able to get a new phone contract with their IVA? I just tried to upgrade through...
by CaliOb on 18/02/23

Hi I am currently 36 months into an iva with my husband and have just had a variation date set for...
by time2change on 08/02/23

Hi all, I just wanted to share with you my IVA story as although probably not unique, it was a...
by DapplesES on 04/02/23

Morning, I am in my second year of IVA. When I entered I had a PCP and was told and have it in...
by Worried2021 on 03/02/23

I live with my partner. The IVA is just in my name but his wages are taken into consideration when...
by jess314 on 01/02/23

Hi all, I entered an IVA in May 2021 for a sum of around £18,000. At the time of entering the IVA...
by LJColeman on 31/01/23

Hi, I have a 5-year IVA, already paid for 2 years. However, my health has now deteriorated...
by anukr on 29/01/23

Incorrect Standing order, Lost £800! sent 2 times, to the Wrong person! HELP Hello have a...
by flamingate on 29/01/23

I get paid in cash but I need to reflect my salary in the Bank Statement.
by barrett789 on 20/01/23

So after 8 months I finally have my completion certificate. I was so relieved until I looked over it...
by loislane on 16/01/23

I put the offer from Sprout Loans to my creditors late december and they rejected the offer, but...
by Aceshigh1993 on 16/01/23

Hi, does anyone know another company like sprout loans ? Or another way to end my IVA early ? I'm...
by clare357 on 08/01/23

I paid off my IVA early following my divorce and paid Credit Fix almost 30,000. This was last Feb...
by massymoo on 06/01/23

I am after some advice. I was with Vanguard and switched over to Ebenegate. I finished my IVA in...
by loislane on 06/01/23

Hi All, I pay £150 x 72 months into an IVA. I am currently 36 months in and would like to get it...
by FBS on 03/01/23

Hello I wont name company I am involved with but almost 3.5 years ago I joined and IVA and have been...
by soshka on 28/12/22

**Apologies, I think I've previously posted this in the wrong place, so have reposted...
by randomdude on 23/12/22

Hi all, In brief, a couple of months ago, out of the blue, I was unfortunately diagnosed with a...
by randomdude on 23/12/22

New Online Payment- Selecting 'Personal account', for an actual business account? What happens? ...
by flamingate on 21/12/22

I have a question regarding an IVA, in terms of Payplan offering a full and final settlement to my...
by cg401 on 27/11/22

Hi, Has anyone had acceptance from creditors link and Cabot with a sprout loan? They have taken...
by Greentrees1822 on 22/11/22

Hello. I have a few questions regarding my iva and a final offer which I would like to propose. I ...
by EduLaur91 on 22/11/22

Hi I need some general advice please I took an iva out nearly 4 years ago My balance I was told...
by cg401 on 21/11/22

So my IVA finishes next summer (not sure I can get there with current rate rises) and I'm going to...
by wakeywakey on 21/11/22

Hi, I am coming up to my 3rd year in my iva in January. I’m suffering with extreme anxiety linked...
by Greentrees1822 on 21/11/22

Hello, I seem to have got myself into a bit of debt and am running out of options as to how to solve...
by Sophfrn12 on 21/11/22

Hello, I need guidance urgently. Me and my partner (not married) have split up and so need to sell...
by heartsink89 on 19/11/22

Hi All, I’m after some advise. I have been offered a promotion at work which will be a £11k...
by louisa813 on 18/11/22

Can I use the Amazon pay monthly? They don’t do credit checks etc.
by Lauren1995 on 16/11/22

Good Afternoon all, Apologies if this has been posted before. I need to contact Natwest regarding...
by MattFreshStart on 15/11/22

Car finance is up. I think its pcp and we 3 years into an iva. Have just applied to refinance the...
by nicola715 on 15/11/22

I have an issue with my current IVA, I am paying £161 per month and have 13 months left which is...
by winterh on 10/11/22

Hi All, I wanted to get some independent advice on a join loan me and my wife have together. So we...
by falrow1974 on 09/11/22

Well... IVA fast approaching its 5th anniversary and final payment to go Jan 1st (Well 3rd with the...
by Mrs_Brown on 03/11/22

Hi, I'm looking into submitting a F+F settlement by next April 2023. My balance remaining would be...
by ATP94 on 02/11/22

Hi, I'm 32 and I've been in an IVA for four months paying £394 for 9 months and £279 for the...
by Cwright4 on 02/11/22