Write off upto 90% debt from £80 per month
How does IVA Calculator work?
- Enter your total debt, number of creditors, monthly income, monthly expenses and home ownership details in the form above.
- Based on the details you provided, IVA calculator will determine whether you qualify for IVA or not.
- It will also calculate the amount of debt you can write off with an Individual Voluntary Arrangement - IVA.
- Our IVA calculator will also email you the results, so that you can use it in future for decision making.
- We do not charge any setup fees.
Basic criteria to qualify for IVA
- Your total unsecured debts are £6,000 or more.
- You have 2 or more creditors.
- After all your necessary expenses are covered, you have a monthly surplus income of minimum £80.
It is possible that some other debt solution is best for you, to know Call our 24 hour Helpline or Ask our experts
Before you start an Individual Voluntary Arrangement - IVA, please read: IVA FAQ - Detailed and IVA Pros and Cons