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- Posts: 54
- Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:48 am
I'm struggling to get a remortgage because I'm telling the lenders I just finished my iva.
It's gone from both credit file and insolvency register.
If I simply lie about it and say I never had one I could avoid future eviction, but I'm worried they find out another way.
What other checks do they do?
- Posts: 195
- Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:04 am
In theory it should not come to light after it has been purged from your credit files. However, I am not convinced that a record doesn't remain somewhere, known only to the "illuminati".
Do you remember, back at the height of the PIP claims and all those management firms claiming to be able to go back 35 years --- how did they do that if records disappear after 6 years ?
In any event, don't volunteer the information and examine the question in detail, IF they ask it: Are you in, or have you been in, an IVA during the last X years ? Possibly not, if X is low enough. Have you EVER been in an IVA ? I am afraid so, whenever they ask.
I am not qualified to give advice and can only state my opinions, based on my IVA experiences.