Ten Possible Debt Solutions
Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) | Write off up to 90% debt
IVA is an agreement with your creditors that helps you avoid bankruptcy, pay off only a proportion of your unsecured debts, and stops creditor...
Full & Final IVA's
A debt solution is not always publicized as clearly as others, full & final IVA represent a very good debt solution for some people...
Debt Management Plan (DMP)
A DMP is simply an agreement between creditors and debtors to repay debts that have become un-affordable, in a structured and fair way...
Bankruptcy is a court order that you can apply for if you are in debt. Someone you owe money to can also apply to make you bankrupt even if you don't want this...
Debt Relief Order
Debt Relief Order is a relatively new option for those who cannot afford to pay their debt back. It is less expensive and requires less paperwork than bankruptcy...
Contacting your creditors
This article seeks to encourage those in debt to communicate their circumstances to their creditors. It's easy to see why we would rather avoid all contact with our creditors. A sense of helplessness...
Increasing income
This article explores income-generation ideas so that a debtor can maintain contractual repayments on debts...
Reducing outgoings
We all know the feeling of wondering where our money had gone! We felt sure we had enough to last us to the month end but alas, we haven't! Although tedious, it is well worth...
Talking to your bank
This article encourages debtors to talk to their own bank about their financial difficulties...
Utilising assets
This article looks at ways of making the most of assets in order to control debt repayments that are often accompanied by high interest charges...