Yorkshire Bank

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Post by qwerty1 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:26 pm
Hello Everyone

I'm trying to open a basic Readycash bank account with Yorkshire Bank and spoke to a lady from their team to arrange an appointment. I've been told that a credit search will have to be made and obviously I'm not going to pass that so does that mean they wont open an account for me.

I am desperate for an account and this has got me worrying. Has anyone had similar experiences with them in the past? I have been decline for a Coop and Step account and this is my last chance before paying for banking which will eat into my monthly budget!

thanks all


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Post by plasticdaft » Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:40 pm
Its not normally a credit check as such but an anti fraud/money laundering ID check to ensure you are who you say you are. Make sure you are on the voters roll as this can make a big difference. Be open and honest about your credit history with them.

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Post by MrsKnight » Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:26 pm
Hi there

I have am Yorkshire Bank Maestro card & got one just before my IVA was approved.
They did no credit check on me & i was given my account number straight away so I could start changing all my payments & direct debits.
All I had to to take in was my driving liscence or passport & a utility bill ie: council tax.
They did stress that there was no over draft in reference to the fees if you go over drawn.
I just said thats fine & understood, I didnt tell them about my IVA but I have heard they are OK with them & I have been fine with my account since (had it nearly 2 years).

Just ask for there basic Maestro account n Im sure you will be fine at your appointment.

Good luck & keep posting x
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Post by kallis3 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:09 pm
It's usually just an address check that they make.

Yorkshire do come recommended.
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Post by brandysnaps » Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:38 pm
I opened the Readycash account at Yorkshire Bank before my IVA was approved. It was the best thing I've done. I told the lady who interviewed me that I was going to be in an IVA, and nothing was made of it. The approval only required the usual anti-fraud checks, not a credit check. I have found it an excellent account. Better in that the Maestro card is indistinguishable from the card from the full account. Apart from not having the cheque book, it feels like a proper full account. The only drawbacks are:
1. There are not many branches outside the north of England. Where there are, they are in small towns not big cities. Indeed, London has one Yorkshire Bank desk in the Clydesdale Bank in Piccadilly Circus, and nothing else. I have overcome this problem by having a savings account into which I deposit money and then move it online, when I can't get to the YB branch.
2. They do have a habit of asking you if you want to upgrade your account when you make a deposit in the branch.


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Post by kallis3 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:42 pm
Welcome brandysnaps.

YB do come recommended and although I'm with Nationwide, we do have a YB branch in my local town but as you say, it is a small town and not a city.
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Post by nepensioner » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:50 pm
I had the same experience as Brandysnaps. Opened readycash whilst I was in the process of applying for my F&F. They did a credit search but only for ID purposes and the account no was given at the appointment after I had produced ID
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Post by mattyboy » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:16 pm
I'm with Yorkshire, they are really good. If there is no branch nearby they I'll give you prepaid envelopes to help with paying in cheques etc. I agree that the branch network is limited but with debit cards and telephone/Internet banking I just don't have the need to visit a branch. I did get a MasterCard debit but the maestro card I had before was just as good. They do have only uk call centres which is a bonus.
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