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Poor As Church Mouse

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Post by Poor As Church Mouse » Sat May 25, 2013 6:29 am
Trying to budget in a IVA is not easy so what happens ? We get underpaid by £500 plus this month so a very frantic day was had trying to get it sorted and NO they cant electronically transfer it and no they cant pay the overtime that was due that must wait till next month..So we had a cheque which we had to catch two trains to fetch in desperation which wont get cleared now till 5th june..We just hope that the IVA company do not think we have surplus cash in the end of Junes wage as its owed from end of May..It means we have to watch every penny until that cheque is cleared as the DD are going out ..IF its not one thing its another...We are struggling bad as it is nothing surplus any month and it doesnt make you feel very happy to live like this..


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Post by joanna144 » Sat May 25, 2013 8:05 am
It is a struggle some months and I am sure I along with others have shared some of your pain. We can not share all of it as all cases are different but I too wish someone had sat down with me and told me what I was allowed to spend and not. I am luckier than most in that my children helped, my son is 19 so has been all the way in the house with the IVA, he will tell me not to get something, and has never complained when a packet of sausages (reduced yellow ticket) and 4 tins of baked beans has been tea for 4 days, so I can make £10 last one week. We always make sure we have milk, yoghurts, bananas and bread in the house. Everything else is bought on a rota if money is short it is not bought. So no cheese this month as when I went to get it there was no cheap cheese. I throughout the IVA have never been able to save a contingency fund as I want to it is almost as if the essential items in the house know when you have a little saved as they then go and break and you have to fix them, the car is the worst and I need that to go to work as there is no bus. But it is only used for work. After work and at weekends it is parked up and not used. Showers are now 2 per week and hair wash is no more than 3 although my hair is down to 1 wash a week, apparently if you do not wash your hair so often it makes it stronger and less needing of a wash. But that means less water used, less on the electric bill and so the odd bar of 30p chocolate, which has become my treat.


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Post by esgt1967 » Sat May 25, 2013 1:44 pm
We have only been in our IVA for just under six months but I have never had to have sausages and beans for dinner several nights as there is barely enough food to eat. Joanna144, you are several years into your IVA, did this scrimping and saving happen early on or is it happening this far in? I have seen other postings on similar lines and, whilst we are certainly not living in luxury in our IVA's (we are both in one), we certainly don't have to eat bread and dripping because we only have a few quid to spend. Our budgets were set realistically from the start so I think this helps but it really saddens me to read the postings where people are finding it a terrible, terrible struggle. Obviously, if I was underpaid by £500 we would be knackered so that's a bit different!!
Hope you get everything sorted out but if you haven't got enough money to eat, then you must speak to your IP and tell them what's going on.

Poor As Church Mouse

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Post by Poor As Church Mouse » Sat May 25, 2013 4:30 pm
I think we will just about manage we are owed more than £500 but they say they cant give a exact amount because of the system etc etc..We havnt lived on sausages and beans either but then we are spending our entertainment fund etc on food all our money goes to DD for utilitys etc then whats left seems to get eaten or used..We were worried the mortgage may bounce if we didnt get the cheque "Nightmare " We just never have anything spare at all..9 months in and i dread the next 4 probably 5 years its like a chunk of your life which you can never get back..Just hope they pay us properly next month..We will have to live on Gruel or something for a month at some stage if the tumble dryer or television breaks down as we certainly cant save anything..Every time we think we can then something happens and it goes one minute we feel rich then the next we are looking in pockets for pennys etc..Its not a easy option having a IVA..


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Post by Foggy » Sat May 25, 2013 5:20 pm
Run this hiccup by your IP - he / she might be able to ease the burden by allowing a reduction or a break for a while, until you are back on an even keel.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014

Poor As Church Mouse

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Post by Poor As Church Mouse » Sat May 25, 2013 6:56 pm
We dont want to do that we would rather struggle as if you get a break it gets added on somewhere else ..Would rather get it paid and done with ASAP Its a life sentance for 5 maybe 6 years as it is..I just find it very annoying that some twit has screwed the wages up..And even more so as we depend on them ,Life is hard enough without these disasters happening.Some people seem to manage a lot better than others in these IVA..Yet everyone gets more or less the same I.E I believe as you are only allowed what you are entitled to..Which is a bit on the low side being we are all facing rising costs..Still we got ourselves into this mess so we must suffer..


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Post by Struzzo39 » Tue May 28, 2013 8:02 am
I have a book with all outgoing n incomings in and break it all down to the last penny. We then have a weekly budget for food , petrol etc and once its gone its gone. Its not easy nut its do - able. No - one should be living on sausage n beans for a few days. I would have a word with your iva company
Steven & Debbie


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Post by joanna144 » Tue May 28, 2013 5:51 pm
Don't fixate on the baked beans with sausage. That occurred because the teenager wanted something outwith our allowances. To get that we had to go on extreme budget. It was his idea to have those meals. We normally cope OK. Big items if they go wrong can cause an issue but we work through. I too have list of all the direct debits, and tick them off as they go out and match them to the money in. We do have fixed shopping lists and any thing I can get yellow ticketed means more in our savings tin. It works after 5 and a half years the system is tried and tested but after the IVA payment goes out next week we will be only 5 IVA payments left. We have a big number 6 on the calendar and I cannot wait until it changes to 5. I only hope GT have sorted out all their problems so closure is sooner rather than later.
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