Well I'm going to buck the trend
I had a GREAT Christmas [:D]
Got home from work on Christmas eve to find several pissed teenagers in my house, my phone line not working 'cos one of said pissed teenogres had managed to trash the phone line junction box, really trash it as in off the wall and wires hanging out .
So no phone , no internet, and about a £1 credit on my mobile .. after the initial explosions, severe telling off for my daughter for letting her pissed up mates in, throwning the drunk weevils out and cleaning up the debris and vomit it turned into a pleasent evening .
Christmas day, no phone , no web, how liberating [8D]
Went to my ex laws for lunch ,no cooking .. a nice day .
Today - B & Q to get some connectors, cable etc , and back to normal .. 25 emails, and phone going like the clappers ..
Back to work tomorrow ... thank you god !
Still 2 weeks from to-day Im moving house and due in court to be possessed [}:)].. Im going to take some holy water, a crucifix and a bible 'cos Im a bit worried about being possessed - most folk think that I'm demented already - maybe they wont notice.
Will an automatic discharge hurt.
Early Discharge is not an illness !