What Kind of Britain are we living in

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Post by andrewgoodman121 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:51 pm
What kind of society are we living in today,

We have an elected government that is supposed to run the country

but in truth it is the Banks that seem to be running the country

and they seem to have most of us by the Balls.

and WORST OF ALL!!! it is being run by our Hard Earned Money.

We all have Mortgages, Rent and Bills to pay but all our daily lives are governed by these people who seem to feed off of Working Class and Middle Class Incomes with extortionate and Greedy Charges and Interest thus robbing most of us with a decent pension for when we retire.

People who have had to have there Final Salary Pensions changed to a different and not so good pension.
If you have signed up for this kind of pension it SHOULD be full and final to the end.

People who i speak to who have all been put out of work and are facing Bankruptcy is huge in my area.
Immigration is rife and the British Citizen is being pushed further and further away from our own identity.


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Post by animaleyes76 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:27 pm
Currently an unelected government which makes it even worse.. well unelected leader anyway..

I agree with pretty much everything you say maybe apart from immigration..but then how can i... being a Brit in the Czech Republic i'd be being a bit hypocritical hey :)


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Post by kallis3 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:38 pm
I have recently seen an advert for IT people for a Midlands Police Force. They have stated that any applicants must be from an ethnic minority in accordance with their force policy of employing a certain percentage of people from the ethnic minorities.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
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Post by andrewgoodman121 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:45 pm
If you had a Mortgage or Bank Loan and are already signed up you CANNOT CHANGE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS as it always states as you are owing the Banks and must comply.

So what gives Companies the Right to CHANGE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A FINAL SALARY PENSION and put you into a Stakeholder Pension when you are signed up for a Final Salary Pension.

It's double Standards through Pure Greed!!!!

How many people in Britain are suffering through Debt and are having there lives put on Hold due to IVA's , Bankruptcy etc.

But the Banks get a Nice Bail Out using YOUR MONEY!!!

How many people this year are having to lose there jobs,and face pay cuts due to all this Corporate Greed.

country girl

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Post by country girl » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:07 pm
Hi I agree with all the things said here.

I used to work for a bank and It became a very greedy place to work all the management were interested in were sales and targets so they could get a nice bonus. The people at the bottom of the pile did not see it though, for all the hassle my bonus was about £20 per month before tax. Wages had become low as well when I first joined( many years ago) it was quite a well paid job. They said at least we had a good pension scheme but that has now been taken away.

I feel everyone is trying to rip the working and middle classes off. However hard you work it is almost impossible to live a decent life which is why so many of us are where we are today.
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