IP Responsibilities

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Post by thebear29uk » Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:01 am
Hi all

In light of some recent posts where people are being told they are not allowed to speak with their IP or simply cannot get hold of them I wondered if Melanie could shed some light on the subject. As some of you know Melanie is acting on my behalf and whenever I contact her office I either get put straight through or, if she is busy, they take my number so she can call me back.

Melanie I seem to remember an earlier post where you mentioned once the IVA is up and running you have less day to day contact with clients. I can completely understand this but can you clarify that if, for example, somebody was seeking a variation meeting, or was experiencing difficulties, then they would be able to speak to you directly.

The main point here is I'm sure the answer to the above question is yes but why do we read so many posts where people with IVA factories dont seem to have access to their IP. I think Skippy said she never spoke to her IP til she was in trouble with the IVA ( 5 months after it was set up!!!). Are there legal responsibilities on the part of an IP to have direct dealings with their clients.

I suppose this is just another example of the diluted service you get when signing up with an IVA factory. So many clients - so few IPs.

I know I feel a lot happier picking up the phone and asking a question to the organ grinder and not the monkey. Would you want to go and see your GP and get there and be told they are busy but just give all your details to the receptionist and they will relay it on to the GP who can then diagnose the condition and issue a prescription based on the receptionist's findings.

Best Wishes



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Post by Skippy » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:03 am
Hi Dave, you're right, I didn't speak to my IP until everything went pear shaped. My first IP left, but I cannot fault his replacement - he phoned me personally after I told my case manager that I was having problems, and once he had looked at my new income and expenditure form he rang me again to let me know that he couldn't call a variation meeting and therefore BR was my best option. He also advised me what would happen in BR, and told me if I have any questions to call him, which I have done. As I said I can't fault him, but I think it depends on the IP.

Onwards and upwards!!!


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Post by MelanieGiles » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:09 am
Hi Dave

My clients can speak to me at any time if they wish to or need to. Of course I do have a staff of well-trained and experienced case managers to help me with my work, and a lot of clients are happy to deal with them directly. However I would never refuse to speak to a client if they wished to contact me directly - and if that relates to a problem with payments, of the need to vary terms, then I would prefer them to speak to me so that I can make instant decisions.

Statement of Insolvency Practice 3 - relating to Individual Voluntary Arrangements states that:-

"On initial contact with the debtor, the member (IP) should offer to meet personall, or arrange for a suitably experienced member of his staff to meet the debtor. If the debtor declines the offer, the member or a suitably experienced memner of his staff may conduct the intial interview on the telephone"

I think that makes matters rather clear - and that there is an implied responsibility to maintain contact with clients at all stages. I think this really boils down to common courtesy at the end of the day.

Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner for over 20 years.

For further details contact me at http://www.melaniegiles.com and view my IVA blog at: http://melaniegiles.blogs.iva.co.uk
Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner


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Post by thebear29uk » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:03 pm
Hi Melanie

Thanks for your reply. Obviously this wasnt aimed at you as I've never had a problem contacting you but as always with this forum we see such differences in the level of service provided by IPs. I find it quite appalling companies charge their yearly fees but, like in Karen's case, when she wants to discuss something she is told to put it in writing to be passed to the IP and they will then decide if they want to speak to her.




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Post by jamesfalla » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:38 pm

You are right, there sometimes seems to be a significant difference in the service that people receive depending on the IP they use.

In my experiance, the larger the firm, the less contact you are likely to have with the actual IP. In itself, I do not think this is a bad thing. What people really want and need is a service where their questions and queries are responded to swiftly and efficiently and they feel they are being treated as a customer.

James Falla

Expert in IVA, Bankruptcy and informal Debt Management solutions for over 10 years.

For more information visit www.jamesfalla.com and visit my blog at: http://jamesfalla.blogs.iva.co.uk
James Falla

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For more information visit www.jamesfalla.com and visit my blog at: http://jamesfalla.blogs.iva.co.uk


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Post by gizmo » Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:45 pm
Hi Dave
Melanie is our IP as well and while we are 2 months into our IVA (which is working really well I'm delighted to say)things still crop up from time to time. Melanie will always speak to you if you ask to speak to her or if she is unavaialble she will always call you back - she will also always reply to emails as well. Additionally her staff are wonderful, I have spoken to and emailed Liz a few times relating to letters from different companies I have received and she has been fantastic and just sorted it all out for me. I come back to the forum from time to time to catch up and see if there is anything I can reply to to help out and it constantly saddens me regarding the horrid experiences some people seem to have. So, we are definately some of the lucky ones in terms of having an excellent IP and support staff.

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Post by Adam Davies » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:35 am
Just to add that I feel a good IP should be available through the whole term of your IVA.We read many stories of no contact once the IVA has been agreed,leaving the week to week administration of your IVA to clerical staff,this is understandable but any questions regarding your IVA should be answered by the IP personally and is a good reason to steer away from factory IVA providers.

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