Having such a rubbish time.

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Post by drowning-mummy » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:34 am
Oh its just not getting any better. The calls are really bad and its only been 3 weeks since we stopped paying. They are going to get worse arent they? MBNA wrote to us saying we need to call them asap, but I'm too scared.
Hubby still hasnt been paid (not had a pay day since March), I'm on £100pw maternity pay and we only have £1.39 in our new account! We havent paid any of our creditors this month yet dont have a penny in contingency. T-Mobile are now on our backs as account is in arrears of £170.
Will it ever get any better?
On a more positive note, I now have all I need to send off to Melanies team. NR would not give an account balance, I have tried, they just keep adding charges. Debt gone from £900 to over a thousand.
Only thing that makes me smile are my 2 children. My eldest is 3 next week and we dont have anything for her. She wont notice I know, but I wanted to give her a party.
Sorry for moan, I'm sat here in tears.
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Post by Viki.W » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:42 am
Oh drowning-mummy, I'm so sorry you're upset. DO NOT answer the calls. It will be one less thing to worry about and won't make any difference to the outcome of your IVA. Please remember that you're nearly there, once everything is sent to Melanie's office it won't be long and then you'll have the IVA to protect you.

I know things seem c**p at the moment but everything will seem so bright for you soon.

It sounds like you have a wonderful family, you are very lucky.

I'm sending you a big hug, now dry those tears, you'll get your computer keys wet!

Viki X
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Post by stuffed » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:46 am
Hey Drowning Mummy,
Your daughter will not remember her third birthday party, so don't worry.
One of the best birthday parties my Kid's ever had was an after dark picnic on the beach. Lanterns sandwiches and blankets. Fantastic!!
They still talk about it now. We bought the birthday girl a few books from the charity shop and read them with torches. She thought it was fabulous.
Chin up


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Post by drowning-mummy » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:49 am
Thank you for the reply Viki. I'm putting everything in the envelope for Melanie now, just cant afford to post it lol!
Just contacted friend that we owe money to. She was very understanding. I am very lucky with my little girls, they keep me going. Going to go for a walk with them in a bit (no petrol in the car lol). I actually prefer not having money, I just want to pay who I need to and get back to work and get some dosh in!
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Post by drowning-mummy » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:51 am
Thank you stuffed.
That birthday sounds magical!
As I said before, I prefer my life like this and its only been 3 weeks, not having to keep up with the Jones' suits us perfectly.
Okay you've both made me feel heaps better, thank you.
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Post by Viki.W » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:52 am
It's great paying with cash isn't it, I feel more in control, if I actually HAD any money![:D]

Just think, your daughter will be 9ish when you finish the IVA so you can spoil her rotten then.....that's when she'll appreciate it.....not now. Thinking of you. Viki X
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Post by rockbottom » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:57 am
Hi drowning mummy

wipe thoses tears and smile, you are doing the right thing you get yourself out of debt, ignore the calls, unplug your phone or simply tell them you are doing everything within your power to sort this out and you cant do anymore than that, and as for your little princess you are the best present you can give her, a big hug from a happy mummy, the best things in life are free.

keep your chin up girl you have been so focused dont let it get you down, you ll get there soon.
all the best rb


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Post by sblack » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:07 am
We are with Melanie and were going through the same as you in Jan/Feb/Mar. We also had MBNA as a creditor and they were the worst by a long long way. We had letters, postcards and phoncalls on a daily basis up until 5 weeks AFTER they had sold their debt on and a month AFTER the IVA was accepted. Initially we tried not to speak with them but after a week or so we decided to be brave and confront them. We spoke to them and kept them informed but it was like talking to a brick wall. Seek advise from Melanies team if you are unsure what to do. All they were interested in was getting a payment out of us, they do say alot of threatening/worrying things to you but remember they are only telephone operatives doing a horrible job and almost certainly have no power. We explained every day that we were in no position to make a payment and referred them to our IP and then whilst trying to remain polite ended the call. As far as I am aware MBNA do like to correspond with debtors.
I know it is hard but stay strong.
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Post by drowning-mummy » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:09 am
Thanks guys, just having an off day I guess. Everything piling up in my head.
Anyway just found a big bag of 20p's! Tumble dryer broke (Oh yes, never rains but pours) so had to get change for launderette, so going to use that to post letter and then buy a big bag of chips for the 3 of us with loads of salt and vinegar to eat in the park!
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Post by stuffed » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:28 am
Enjoy your chips!


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Post by chardonnay » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:50 am
Hi Drowning Mummy,
That's the ticket, the chips sound lovely and a real treat - enjoy. I know the calls are upsetting and like others I found MBNA the worst - they will try to get you to agree a debt repayment plan with them (the amount they say they will accept was too big for me!!). They will also tell you they are an american bank and unlikely to support your IVA, but that is not true - they voted yes to mine. Try to stay calm and those 20p & coin jars are a god send at times like these!!
Thinking of you and sending a hug,
Chardonnay x


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Post by Dee » Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:51 pm
Hi Drowning-Mummy

I agree I found MBNA the hardest to deal with. One day I got a call from a lady who insisted that I pay some money, I was so annoyed at her aggressive nature that I invited her round to my home to collect the keys. I told her she was welcome to take everything I owned and that I would take my kids and live in a tent!

That shut her up! I never heard from them again!


PS you sound like a fantastic Mum and as long as you keep your kids your main focus you will get through this X


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Post by Moneystinks » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:23 pm
Hello Drowning-mummy.

Hope you are feeling better. I don't seem to have been hounded as much as you but still have had some very bad days. You did exactly the right thing posting on the forum as everybody on here are great and always make you feel better.

Hope you managed to post your letter. XX


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Post by cfnc » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:27 pm
Hope things have improved for you today.

Wishing you all the best for the future.


Kazzy E

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Post by Kazzy E » Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:32 pm
Hi Kaz, I'm sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment. You know you can email me if you're feeling low. We are at the same stage roughly and are continuing this journey together so don't worry about contacting me. I haven't had a single call yet, but hubby has had a letter from mbna asking him to contact them, but we have posted the letter to Angela today. I hope to hear something from NR in the next week or two, so hopefully, when the ball starts rolling we will both have something to look forward to. The most important thing right now is your babes. Little one won't mind a modest birthday pressie this year and I am sure you can still have a lovely time, without shelling out for a party. She has plenty of years ahead of her for partying [:)] you wait 'til she is a teenager!!! Keep your chin up hun, and email me if you need a chat. Luv Kazzy x
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