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Broke of London

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Post by Broke of London » Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:40 am
Migraines are so debilitating and leave you with such a poor quality of life when they are so frequent. I remember that when I got mine sorted I couldn't believe how quickly I could get through my work and how much time and energy I had in the evenings (rather than flopping straight into bed). Keep on going with trying the medications; it will all be worth it when you find the one that suits you.

Everyone is full of advice for migraines I know, but just on the off-chance you haven't tried these already. I found peppermint tea was great to help with the nausea and any kind of cooling gel (oppo of Deep Heat) rubbed into my forhead and any sore muscles helped ease the pain during an attack and lower my temperature. And any medication with diclofenac (OTC) was amazing to release muscle tension if you get that.

I never thought about DLA and giving up work, but can certainly see the benefits.


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Post by s-star2009 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:12 pm
I actually use Olbas oil, it really helps although i think im slightly addicted to the stuff as i use it so frequently!

I really do look forward to the day i have some kind of resoultion. I mean, i know a new job doing something i love without the hassle and stress of my current boss will probably eliminate half of my attacks..but again, gota sort my head some how durin the two weeks i am now signed off for..
I dont think i could completely live with the DLA, ive always worked and couldnt imagine not working, but at this point with the way things are going, i may need to look at it too (last resort!!)
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