I have contacted IVA company 3 times and not been told how redundancy money will be treated.

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Post by James.wj » Fri May 31, 2013 3:08 pm
Hi, I have been told I am at risk of redundancy and have received my severance settlement in writing which will be paid in october. The severance is around 38k net. I currently pay 210 per month into the iva and started it with a lump sum payment of 6250. The total debt introduced was in the region of 50k.
I have contacted iva company three times now and still have not been told how they will treat this. I am looking to start myownbusiness, would need new car etc and some salary coverage. Can I just put it in a savings account if they do not contact me, I have evidence I have tried to contact them three times, twicevia email. And a bizarre question to finish, can you change iva provider?


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Post by Shining » Fri May 31, 2013 5:08 pm

Hopefully you caught the replies to your previous posting. Which company are you with? maybe they have a representative on the forum who can can escalate this for you to get you the answers you want.

Unfortunately, it's nigh on impossible to choose to change IVA provider.
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.


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Post by MelanieGiles » Fri May 31, 2013 11:11 pm
This seems mightily odd that no-one has got back to you - but do ringfence the redundancy monies if you get to the unlikely stage that you have not heard from them by October 2013 and have therefore actually received the money. I'm also curious to know which firm you are with.
Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner


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Post by slushysnow » Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:48 pm
Uhmmm most likely gone to a apprentice admin worker they are taking on loads of kids for office work across the UK with no experience just that they are cheap labour so I reckon a lot of these issues are because of that Not saying kids are thick :) I have been to an Iva company on another business trip and from what I saw was a huge office with loads of desks and teens all answering phones etc

Redundancy you will be told to hand it over I would suggest that you say ok you have a chunk of cash you want to pay a fair settlement and see what they say You are not far off the total amount owed so an agreement could be brokered I would come up with some figures say what you would have paid in as normal and then double it if you can
Only your IP can tell you and as Melanie says if you dont hear nowt just pop it in your bank and ask them to make a seperate account to hold the money with its own account numbers
Send your IVA company a Letter emails are pointless as they are easily deleted or not received so you would get fobbed off
Letters sent recorded you are playing it straight and covering your back Then leave it at that If you dont hear anything leave your cash in the bank and make interest for you at least you will know your IVA payments are covered Also you may get your job back or not redundant Dont cross bridges til you get to them just look after yourself ok and remember its your IVA and how you do it is down to you they only control the admin and finance

good luck


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Post by luluj » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:59 am
Not sure that is fair slushysnow regarding apprentices - there are some very good ones out there, and actually they are not cheap labour as behind the scenes they are also receiving a considerable amount of training and investment by the company to help increase skills sets and prepare them for future recruitment possibilities.

James - I would continue to address these questions to your IP - probably would send a letter recorded delivery and put in it that you would like a response in order for you to be able to plan your future etc.
My understanding is that redundancy payments are normally taken into account however they do leave provision for 6 months to give you sufficient time to find new employment or in your case start your own business. Anything over the 6 months of your normal I&E would have to be negotiated etc with your IP such as the need for a new vehicle etc.

Let us know how you get on - as Mel says who is your IP? There may be someone from the company who posts on the forum that we can highlight this to to aide a quicker response.
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Post by slushysnow » Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:52 pm
@ Lulu
I didnt say all kids .......... Not saying kids are thick :)
I just wrote from what I saw and that was a load of teens on the phones playing with mobiles larking about and not doing what they are supposed to do Even when they leave there are no jobs and they are just put back on the dole I would assume you are working or retired as if you check out the gov uk website for office work you will see that nearly all are for apprentice Now why is that ??? I also went to another place and they were the same as that loads of teens just hanging out no training whatsoever just a way to get off the dole and told to do it or else Regards training thats a matter of opinion I used to get teens working with me and they could not even spell add up or had a clue about work So how can you train somebody in office skills The same with primary kids being taight computers at ages 4 and 5 when they cant even write or know the alphabet if you get my point

If they are good enough for the job pay them a decent wage I seriously doubt you are on £100 a week or would work for that if you could
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