Told by DFD that if I don't sign PPI form I won't get my IVA certificate.

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Post by Niobe » Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:35 pm
If you go into your profile then you should find a link to be able to add a friend. As long as both of you add each other then you will be able to speak off forum.


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Post by MelanieGiles » Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:04 pm
What a shame that you have been prevented from speaking to your IP directly about this matter, and instead have been forced to initiate a formal complaint. I wonder if Declan could clarify why this is happening, as I feel sure that your calls cannot be being drawn to the IP's attention. When IP licences are granted, we all understand the duty of care we owe to our clients in this regard.
Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner


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Post by orchid5 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:01 pm
I quite agree with you Melanie, I had to phone DFD today and would've really loved to have spoken to my IP but that is impossible as you firstly get that blasted automated woman on the phone and are lucky if you are not cut off after 10 minutes and then you are put through to customer services despite wanting to speak with your IP etc. My experience today was of being spoken to in manner that could've only been described as patronising to say the least when all i wanted was answers to questions 'circumstances and other things change throughout your IVA etc', i'm fully aware of that and haven't lived on this planet for 52 yrs to only find that out now! 'you don't need to worry regarding the HMRC problems, we have put through 150 cases for closure and only two have been refused because the creditors didn't have the relevant information'! This was after i explained what the HMRC stood for lol!There does seem to be shifting of sands and changing of goal posts to what people actually signed up for when they first set out on their IVA journeys, me personally will be glad when this is over and done with, it hasn't been easy admittedly and yes up to now has been relatively stress free, so roll on the next 4 weeks and be done with it!
Om shanti, namesté, good luck to all who are embarking on the IVA journey, it isn't always an easy one but the outcome is the best.

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Post by disappointed » Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:21 pm
Sounds like "If you don't sign this over to us you won't get your closure notice" and when you do you will have to pay the tax on what ever they get. Almost seems like someone having some information that they want paying for and if you don't pay they will tell on you? NOW what is that called? A word beginning with the letter B
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Post by mumsy17 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:05 am
font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:<hr height="1" noshade>Originally posted by kieser

Mumsy17,I would like to have contact with you outside of this forum but not sure how i can give you any details without breaking forum rules.
Hi, I've added you to my profile as a frugal friend, you will have to add me to yours by editing your profile.[:)]
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Post by mumsy17 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:16 am
there's a saying 'knowledge is power' and that's what we have here with some companies like DFD. They know they can't force you to make ppi claims but won't give up that information freely, so instead they pass you round the houses to all their teams who don't tell you anything, who then in turn don't communicate with each other leaving you in the dark thinking you have no option. My experience so far is to deal directly with the ppi claim company - in writing of course just in-case [:)]
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Post by orchid5 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:47 am
One of the questions i asked yesterday was 'who pays the tax as i have'nt had any of the monies from the ppi'? Of course i got you don't have to worry EIF do all that for you, oh noooooooooooo, my experience of them isn't a good one, so i'm hoping this the case as i don't want to 'worry' about a letter arriving on my doorstep asking for monies from her HMRC.
Om shanti, namesté, good luck to all who are embarking on the IVA journey, it isn't always an easy one but the outcome is the best.

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Post by mumsy17 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:20 am
It may be worthwhile asking EIF directly about it as DFD just seem to tell you what you want to hear (and often things you don't!). EiF's email address is, just give them your IVA ref and the name of your IVA company with your questions. Good luck.
Last edited by mumsy17 on Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by terrytibs55 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:40 am
Also I suggest you follow whatb I did and help the OFT and ombudsman with their current ongoing investigation into this about the obtianing of ppi and IVAs.
The m ore people that report problems the better it will be for everyone in the long run.


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Post by Annie59 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:26 pm
Hi again everyone. Yesterday when I asked why I have never been "allowed" to speak directly to my IP, I was told something in the vein of - "they don't get involved in the routine stuff and they're extremely busy!" This has always been my major gripe with DFD - no personal touch.....more like a large processing plant [:(!] Anyway - this PPI issue and the ensuing completion delays is really shocking and just so completely inept. I just feel so sorry for anyone who has been or is going through this just now...Keep strong peeps - if you've managed to get to a F&F or the whole 5 years, then let's not let an extra two or three months take our sanity [;)]I'm still furious mind you [:(!]


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Post by mumsy17 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:37 pm
yes i've never spoken to my IP either, every call or email I ever sent him over last 6 years was just forwarded on to someone else.

I've still not heard anything back from DFD after EiF sent me an email confirming they've closed my ppi claim file, so I've just forwarded onto them again with a message saying something along the lines of 'now there's not a ppi claim issue I look forward to receiving my cc from you soon'! Back to waiting again [V]
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Post by kieser » Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:51 pm
Mumsy17,Thanks for the add on frugal friends,I have added you but when i go into your profile i dont see any way of contacting you outside of this forum.I.e theres no email address in your profile.What am i missing


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Post by Niobe » Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:57 pm
You should be able to send a message directly when you click on the FF picture. It won't give you an email address directly but will send your message to that person.


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Post by kieser » Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:14 pm
Thanks Niobe,sorted


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Post by Niobe » Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:18 pm
Glad you are able to get in touch now.
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