its a tough decision to make but the best we did . we had the fear at the start re creditors meeting , we had massive debt , over 100k and something we are ashamed off . however we are going into yr 6 as couldnt eqiuty release . it has been the quickest 5 years of my life so far ! yes there have been sacrifices , we mamange to take the kids camping in summer hols every other year ( cant afford every year ) and have booked holiday keycamp in france next aug 30th when the prices drop, i can pay that at £6 per week and its piad by time balance is due . always have a couple of pound coins in my purse ( and i mean coins). i never have a bill flop on my doorstep, i even changed my gas and elec to meters so i know exactly how much cash i need to put on them weekly . i buy and sell the kids clothes on ebay as they outgrow them quicker than wearing them out and they always look neat and tidy . we still run 2 cars , one on 02 plate and the other 03 ,put money aside to pay mot , and buy car tax stamps at post office so even that doesnt hit hard . i buy whats on offer in supermarkets. and when things have been tight i can do a meal for 6 on £3 .... i sometimes surprise myself !! i saved hard as neded new carpet in my lounge ..... bought cheap n cheerful but it was so satisfying knowing its mine i paid for it and its not on the never never , gotta save for stairs next !!!! so when u have a low moment and they do come about , its not for ever , this is achieveable . we are all here for same reason and have tried hard to repay what we can to these companies , we will never be able to F&f so its full term for us , but im almost proud of that fact. and what have i learnt ,,,, so much ! i never ever want to be in that place again , i have more satisfaction paying cash , the things you buy seem to have far more value , as u cant whip out the plastic fantastic to replace. i can cook cheaply , i have an even stronger marriage , we never argue we got into debt together and we r getting out of it together . so to all of you starting out on this road , its not always easy but there is an end , it isnt forever. there will be some good times and bad . inform your ip of everything , then there shouldnt be any nasty surprises . all the best to evry one of you .