So Annoyed........

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Post by connie » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:21 pm
I was in the back garden just now and my cat jumped up the fence. shes a persian and doesn't normally go out of the back garden. anyway jumping up was new to her and when she got up there she was to scared to jump down and i couldn't reach her as she sat on the highest part.
the next thing i hear a neighbour whos house backs onto mine trying to get her to go away. which just frightened her more. then to my amazement he turned the hose on her and soaked the poor thing.
this was like a red rag to a bull and i lost it. screamed over how dare you. cheek of him. i'm absoloutly raging.
i know some people don't like cats but she wasn't even in his garden she was on my back fence and was just to scared to jump back down and he just frightened even more. when i got her down she went and hid in the bathroom. poor baby.


ahhh thats better, just needed to rant. lol.[:D]


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Post by Viki.W » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:27 pm
That's horrible! Your poor cat. My Nia is the same, she is very unsteady and can't really jump up on fences. She got stuck in our 4ft bush the other day....bless! Hope you gave him what for! X
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Post by Shining » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:34 pm
How cruel, poor *****cat, I hope he accidently gets splashed by a passing car one day!
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Post by facingittogether » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:39 pm
some people are just so horrible to animals! your cat had not done anything to him, hope one day someone does something tht scares him, he will know how it feels then!

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Post by plasticdaft » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:48 pm
I dont like cats but wouldnt turn a hose on one(I am allergic to them)|(cats not hoses). I'd have had to turn my hose on him. You should report him to the RSPCA,a little visit from an inspector will make him quake no doubt!!
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Post by kallis3 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:52 pm
What a nasty, intolerant little ****!!!!

Next time you are in the garden the same time as him, 'accidentally' aim your hose over the fence - see how he likes it![:D][:D]
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Post by connie » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:07 pm
to right i let him have it. lol. i did contemplate putting my hose on him. he said she was stalking the birds. i said no she wasn't, she stuck up there and i can't reach her.
i think he got a shock as he obviously didn't realise i was in my back garden and i could hear his wife telling him to get rid of it (meaning my cat)
i've got 2 persians and they never go out of the back garden. they can't usually jump that high, my oldest can't even jump as high as my kitchen unit. but my youngest has worked out how to get up without jumping but then she daren't jump back down. i was more mad because i thought what would he have done if i hadn't have shouted at him. cos even putting the hose on her didn't make her move she just froze to the spot.
horrible man. i'll be worried now every time she goes in the back garden incase she gets up and he does something to her.


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Post by pixie » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:10 pm
aw the poor thing, the cat not the moron. perhaps the kitty litter could be accidently spilled over the fence..........
I hope she'll feeling better and has come out of hiding now [:)]
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Post by cat 1 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:24 pm
A dog, closely followed by an owner chased my persian up a tree last summer.She was just sunning herself when he came along and she panicked.She doesn't do walls or trees (or anything that could be classed as excercise really!)I lost all control, especially when he couldn't control his dog.I would be spraying a hose on neighbour (very acidentally of course) next time it's warm and your grass needs watering.Cat


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Post by connie » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:36 pm
i've calmed down for now, lol. i won't if he ever dares touch my cat again.
persians are so lazy. they are such characters too, i just know if they could talk they would treat me like a butler.
my sisters hates my cats she says they look down there nose at her. lol. its quite funny to see her have an arguement with a one of them just because it is looking at her.


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Post by kallis3 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:13 pm
I'm not a massive cat lover (dog person myself), but I wouldn't harm them. We used to have a neighbour who had two Burmese cats who were forever in our garden. Not a problems but for the fact that I do have two dogs and I feed the birds! I just asked him if he would mind putting collars on them with bells to warn the birds. He was quite happy to do so.

It also helped when I loosed the dogs out, the cats were grey and they tended to blend into the background. At least I could hear them and shoo them out before letting the hounds loose!
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