Price of Barrel of OIL

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Post by animaleyes76 » Fri May 30, 2008 10:50 pm
Miss stinks was most definitely a compliment lol..

Or was it that i had drunk too much and i thought i would be cocky lol.

Feel quite confident tho cos even if this job doesn't work out a few other companies have been in touch. Children? Bless them, when i was younger i thought i was irresponsible and too selfish to have them, now i am 31 and still feel the same not to mention being in an iva and also the fact I need to find a girlfriend again b4 kids are likely.

Had an ex with a little boy and it was cool, he taught me loads, practically how to bring him up, how cool is that. Can only speak for myself but i'm not in a position to give a child what they need and even if in relationship i think i would shy away from it....

Wow.. 2 nights in a row i've gone all deep. hush my mouth.


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Post by Moneystinks » Fri May 30, 2008 10:55 pm
What has happened to you? Are you feeling okay?

Kids have an ability to tell you how's best to bring them up. AND you don't have to offer them anything but a bit of time, attention and love - it's great and cheap! It's an excuse and a cover up saying you have nothing to offer children from what I have read you have loads! [:)]

Nice to hear from you by the way, have left you a post on the Marie thread too - never know what you read!

[:X] XX


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Post by flowerpot » Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:53 pm

To say some of this is down to 'market forces' and demand outstripping supply' etc, but at the end of the day we are supposed to be living in a democratic country, and the government are supposed to spearhead the matter of taking care of intererst of citizens.

What I object to is the rising fuel costs, rising grocery costs etc, and no substantial action appears to be coming from no 10 to manage these matters.

But then I suppose judging by the handout the banks recently had re the mortgage crises and the nil impact it has had for uk citizens, what can we expect? (Who has benefited from this handout so far??)

So, even if government bring in new legislation to help those in fuel poverty, or invest in a GM crop to ease the global food crises, I cant see us citizens benefiting much at all the way things are heading.

Oil is a finite comodity on which we all rely.

However,I wonder if there is an ulterior motive here.

The global food crises seems affected by the changes in world climate as well as increased oil cost for shipping.

As for forecourt fuels - the governments are tied into legally binding agreements to reduce CO2 emmissions, so doesnt it make sense that they're not about to do anything to reduce the cost of fuel as they want us to use less of it anyway. (Kyoto Protocol)

And as for the spiralling cost of heating and lighting our homes,I believe the same could be true. If you have enough money you can invest in renewable energy options such as solar stuff etc, but I dont think anyone in an IVA could afford to invest in this sort of technology. These are cleaner, greener options, but out of reach to most of us.

If they outprice the everyday basics, what choice will people have but to go back to candle light and open fires, or invest in greener living by growing your own veg?



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Post by animaleyes76 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:41 pm
The other "con" re GM foods (not that i'd eat them anyway as 2/3rd generation crops have been shown to give stomach cancer to rats) are only productive for one single crop, meaning you have to go back to the manufacturer (US Based) to buy more GM seed to replant your crop.

No thanks
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