Nothing to eat and shoes with holes in them. GT won't contact me until 17th September.

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Post by CavyWavy » Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:58 pm

I’m 2 years into a 6 year IVA I ended up with a 25k debt when a relationship broke up and didn’t know what to do I don’t have any assets but at the time I didn’t have the money to go BR either. the advice I got at the time said to start the IVA and see how it goes. I was on the verge of loosing my job and house because of the harassment and not been able to even afford petrol so it seemed the only option.
Over the past 8 months with the rise in living costs and fuel ect ect I have been left not able to eat and with nothing spare even to replace my shoes with holes in them.
I have managed for two years and never once been contacted by my IP they have never reassed my earning to outgoing. when I phoned up last in June to talk to my IP I found out that it was no longer RSM tenon and was now grant thorton I asked about speaking to my supervisor as I couldnt keep up this level of payment and was promised a call back. a week later I started getting harrssing calls from GT about claiming PPI back they have phoned 3 times a week about some letter that they never even sent till 2 weeks ago and the following two weeks asking if I had sent it back dispite them having it on there system. I explained at on the first call the hours I worked and asked not to be called in those time yet they have persisted in calling in the middle of the day.
I was never contacted back about the fact I couldn't afford this level and today I phoned in again to be told that the first time I could be spoken to was the 17th they wont even tell me who my supervisor is now so I can ask to contact them directly.
I am now left having to wait till the 17th and don't believe that when they reassess my earnings and pay I will even still be eligible for the IVA as if my maths matches I have less than £110 spare a month to put towards my IVA.
My question is what happens next and is there anything else I should be doing while waiting for them to contact me on the 17th

Adam Davies

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Post by Adam Davies » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:34 pm
Hi and welcome

£100 per month may still be a viable IVA however if you are struggling you should consider going bankrupt. If after speaking to GT this proves your best option just stop paying into the IVA and save the £100 each month towards the bankrupty court fees.

Andam Davies

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Post by Little miss trouble » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:38 pm
My goodness, my heart goes out to you, keep your spirits up, if you can speak to yr ip that would be a start. Knowing the company yr with could be difficult. I'm sure there is an expert from gt on here. I think it's the lovely carol, she might be able to help x
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Post by clairemichelle » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:51 pm
Hi cavywavy
I will leave it to the experts to give u advice re your iva.
My advice to you would be to check for a local food bank. There may be one in your town and you can get access to staples to tide you through. Your local council will also be running a local welfare scheme which.depending on their criteria may be able to provide you with some one off help although it may be restricted to those on benefits. Its worth checking the website for your county / city council.

Best wishes
Cm x
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Post by Pandy » Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:26 am
Email Karol via
put IVA FORUM in the subject line and it will get passed directly to her, it might help putting an income and expenditure attachment showing what your income / outgoings are as she might be able to get a reduced payment or even a payment break until a full review can be done. As someone else said, try a local foodbank.
If life is what you make it, I must have been in a strange mood when I made mine

The Major

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Post by The Major » Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:48 pm
How any company without self interest can say start an IVA and see how it goes is beyond me especially in your situation
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