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Post by Shining » Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:28 am
Be nice if you could meet with Helen for a coffee at least, be nice for you both. x
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Post by Julie » Sat May 08, 2010 11:03 pm
It seems I've been short listed for another job I applied for ( seems ages ago)!

I'm enjoying the job I have, but find it frustrating not being the Manager and having to ask permission for silly things.

Even if I don't get this other job, I think I'll be looking for another one.


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Post by Skippy » Sat May 08, 2010 11:05 pm
Good luck Julie, when will you know if you've got the job?


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Post by Julie » Sat May 08, 2010 11:10 pm
I don;t know Skippy, I had an email saying I had been selected for the second stage ( first stage must have been CV). I've emailed back to confirm the salary, before I decide what to do.

The other problem I'm facing in my existing role is, because of my experience etc. I seem to be doing all the work! I love being busy but Im no-ones fool! I'm working flat out when others are busy...filing their nails!


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Post by Skippy » Sat May 08, 2010 11:16 pm
Not good Julie!

I nearly applied for another job this week, but decided against it when I realised I had to take a £5k pay cut and start some mornings before 7am! I'm not a morning person at the best of times!

I had another reminder of how good my company are - my mum's got a hospital appointment on Friday and I've been told that there's no problem for me to go out mid morning to take her, and then go back in the afternoon to pick her up, and stay with her afterwards if necessary. I'll have to make the time up (easy at the moment!) but there was no hesitation and my supervisor actually suggested staying with her.


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Post by Julie » Sat May 08, 2010 11:21 pm
I'm a morning person and could be in work by 7am easy...don't like working after 5pm though. Unless I'm working from home.

You have a good supervisor there Skippy. I'm sure they realise what a good employee you are. Maybe things will improve with your work - you seem to enjoy it, but are understaffed?

Hope your Mum is ok?


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Post by Skippy » Sat May 08, 2010 11:25 pm
Oh no, I don't wake up properly until about 11am!

I'm lucky, I count the people I work with as friends which makes it harder to leave. They are talking about a possible pay rise in June, but to be honest more staff would be better!

Mum has had problems walking straight so is going to the hospital for tests. It's the local 'Rapid Assessment Centre', which is for older people (or geriatrics as I told mum!) to help them stay in their own homes, and for older people who are at risk of being admitted to A & E.

I'm a bit worried, but I do think it's got something to do with her ears - she's had tinnitus for years, so I think it's affecting her balance. I hope that's all it is...


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Post by Shining » Sun May 09, 2010 7:06 am
Hope your Mum is ok Skippy, let us know won't you. It's nice when you've got an understanding Supervisor/Line Manager.

I wonder if my insomnia symptoms are due to my job as I've been on holiday all week and slept like a log, no dizziness, nothing. Last night I was awake at 12.30am having gone to bed around 11pm for about 2 hours, wide awake and I'm up again at 6am, all I think about is work and I found myself looking at my work diary and noticing a staff meeting at 3pm on Tuesday and then I'm looking to see if my tasks are completed! I've only just connected it but it could be? It is a stressful job and would be a lovely job without the! I'm looking to continue to work for the college as I like the benefits and the people, I have a very understanding Line Manager who is a friend as are my other colleagues but just think I've burnt myself out teaching and need that change. Our new college is due to be completed in February 2011 so hopefully a change could be on the cards then as it will create lots of jobs both internal and external.
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Post by kallis3 » Sun May 09, 2010 9:09 am
I hope your mum is ok Skip.

Have to say that where I work the management are pretty good if you have problems as well.

I've just had a week off and really don't want to go back tomorrow. I've been awake at 6 am for most of this week but haven't got up at all. I will get up and loose the dogs out and then go back to bed for a couple of hours even if I don't sleep!

It could be stress Lesley. Perhaps you do need to look at changing your job.
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Post by Shining » Sun May 09, 2010 1:16 pm
I'm going to change it Jan, just hanging on for the newly built college as I'm sure there will be an opportunity in there for me to change. x
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Post by Julie » Sun May 09, 2010 1:53 pm
I hope your Mum is ok Skip xx

I'm sure the stress with work is contributing to your insomnia Lesley. Fingers crossed there'll be an opportunity to suit you in the new college.

Pity you couldn't do your job without the students lol


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Post by Skippy » Sun May 09, 2010 2:06 pm
Thanks everyone. I'm hoping that Dave will be able to take her on Friday and I'll pick her up - it doesn't work with us if we're both stressed!

Good luck finding a new job Lesley xxx


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Post by Julie » Sun May 09, 2010 2:24 pm
One of my daughter's friend has been to see me today as she's facing a disciplinary in work. I spent over an hour going through everything - she'd have a great chance of appeal etc. Only for her to say, she can't be bothered and has now quit her job! Silly girl!


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Post by Skippy » Sun May 09, 2010 3:38 pm
I had a disciplinary at one of my jobs and I walked out the same day so I can see where she's coming from - no way was I prepared to work for my manager any more.

I know it's not the right attitude, but I got great pleasure from knowing I left her really short staffed!


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Post by Shining » Sun May 09, 2010 3:58 pm
I'd be more than likely to do the same as I can be hot headed and act irrationally sometimes, mind as I get odler I have mellowed a fair bit x
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.
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