New Job - Security Checks

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Post by daisychain22 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:49 pm
Hi I wonder if someone could give me some head is pounding thinking about this and I have no one to talk.

I currently work for the government...have done for over 20 years. I am about to be offered a job by a contractor who works for the government. My salary will by £15-20K more than it is now..sounds good I know, my only problem is that if/when they do a security check they will decline their offer. They said that they do a 192 check on new people for approx £40...does anyone know what that is? They didn't say they will do one on me but they just mentioned in passing.think i am unique to them in that they are nicking me from the government who they do work for as opposed to someone off the street. Whatever checks they do i will be fine except for the obvious, a credit check. I was lucky enough not to have a CCJ, but had a few default notices whilst my IVA was going through. Do credit checks class IVA and Bankruptcy in the same catergory or not? My terms and conditions in my current employement say that i have to notify my line management on Bankruptcy and it is up to their judgement what they do (or not). No one knows about my IVA...and I do mean no one! I defiantley have a Basic Security Clearance...might even have full as I can go anywhere and read anything except secret stuff. I know some of you might say be up front with the contractor and tell them in advance...I feel upset and tearful just at the thought of talking to someone about it. I can't help feeling ashamed. I am into my 3rd year and it has gone relatively smoothly to date. They may just take me on assuming that everything is ok because of the job i am currently in...I just don't know. Just scared of it all coming out and leaking back to where i currently work as the contractor is quite friendly with one or two of my colleagues....including my immediate boss. I have done so well in containing my is stressful though and I have no one to talk about it ....well other than you lovely helpful people on here.

Just don't want to miss out on an opportunity to better myself and make life more comfortable for me, albleit giving my creditors nearly double what they get know...but I don't mind that.

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Post by flumpy dog » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:04 pm
hi daisy-hope youre ok.
from what other lovely forum members told me that if you are asked if you have been bankrupt you can say no and do not have to disclose the iva unless it asks.
i had the same query as i was looking at an internal transfer at my firm and i was reassured it should be ok.
never heard of a 192 check.
will this be an internal move for you is the new company interlinked with your current one.
dont get upset-someone will be able to advise you more.
you have all your friends here to give you moral support and advice [:)]
ps dont feel ashamed ok-3 years into an iva is major !
you are being responsible and sorting yourself out and be proud of yourself ok ? x


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:20 pm
Surely if you are asked if you have ever been bankrupt you should say yes if you have been? If you are not asked, then you don't have to disclose either. If it's on the application form, then you will have to disclose it.

I've never heard of a 192 check either.
Last edited by kallis3 on Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by daisychain22 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:25 pm

Thanks very much for your reply and kind comments...made me cry but in a good way. I am single and live alone and it is very hard coming home and not having anyone to discuss my problems with.

Not sure...but regarding 192 check...maybe they mean they go one the 192 website and a contact a security firm to do checks on staff.

It is not an internal move...i will be coming out of government and going to work in the private sector but the company is interlinked in that it is one of my governement departments 'main' contractors for certain types of work. the work i currently do for the governement is linked to what the contractor does if that makes sense.

I think my problem is being too proud and that is why I can't stand the thought of anyone finding out.


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Post by daisychain22 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:30 pm
Hi Kallis,

I think Fergiedoggy meant in my instance...if asked if i have been bankrupt then say no...which is true....meaning I don't have to disclose that I have an IVA.



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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:32 pm
Sorry - didn't read the post properly! She's right.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
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Post by flumpy dog » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:39 pm
daisy just been on business services conduct background checks but from what i can see its like a CRB.
this could be the 192 thing you mentioned.
listen i sound crazy-this is my second home !
i have never experienced a site that has given me so much moral support and advice. even if youre with people debt is a lonesome thing -thats what makes this place so special.
there will be someone along soon to help but i think you are brilliant for getting so far in your iva-im only a newbie-payment number 2 for me.
its time to start feeling good about yourself ok ?
and you now have 8000 new friends to talk to so use us when you need help and moral support x [:)]

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Post by cat 1 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:30 pm
Daisy.Good luck.It's so aweful to be so worried, alone and pre occupied.The forum is a life saver.Cat


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Post by daisychain22 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:46 pm
Thanks for all your kind comments and support. I have quite a stressful job which doesn't help especially when you are preoccuppied..had one of those days today when you are
on the edge of bursting into tears.....people just think i am a bit run down. Need to get a grip and be more positive, after all there are alot of people worse off than me. Do I have a decent job? I have a nice home?...yes....decent car?...ok has been tempremental but going ok at the mo. Money?...could be better and could be worse..Current status is 'coping'.....Health?...ok as far as i know except for a bit of stress..see i am having a word with myself already! would put a smiley but don't know how to do it.


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Post by flumpy dog » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:02 pm
listen theres nothing wrong with you. you are a human and are perfectly entitled to have feelings ok ?
i have felt the same-worried about work colleagues etc-its natural.
if i could count how many times ive been sad/happy sad/happy.
i can totally relate to your fears and feelings. if you ever need comfort support and advice jump on here and we will sort you out
take care hun fd x [:)]


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Post by Breakdown » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:06 pm

You are so positive, it's so nice to read your posts, but I think that your avatar picture is so sad!

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Post by Julie » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:13 pm
I agree FD you should change your avator....maybe find a flumpy one [:D]

Daisychain - Its really hard when to the outside world, you seem to have everything you need in life...little do they know about the money worries and stress. Thats what we're all here for thoug - let off steam and have a good rant/bawl. We've all been there and some days I'm still there.

To add smilies go to reply, not quick reply. [:)]

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Post by flumpy dog » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:15 pm
thanx breakdown hunny-read my first postings i was soooo not positive
its thanx to lil hunnies like you that im where i am now xxx
ps that picture is sad but it reminds me of how far ive come x thanx hun x

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Post by flumpy dog » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:24 pm
and thanx to the lovely mrs swan too ! x [:D]


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Post by daisychain22 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:29 pm
[:)]thanks Swans Girl.

Somtimes I feel like I am living a double acting. I act like nothing is wrong and to everyone else they haven't got a scoobies. There have been a couple of occassions where i have had to think quickly and worm my way out of a situation like when someone asked me to write them a cheque for something...i made an excuse that i had lost my cheque book and couldn't be bothered to order a new one as i hardley use them these days. Hate lying but it is like i will do all I can to cover up my secret......over 2 years on and it has worked...there has been a couple of occassions when i have very nearly told someone...think people would be shocked if they knew.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! I think I will be stronger after all this.
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