Hi and thank you for those comments.
I put down for extra because you do spend more, this is what I had but it depends on what difficulties the child has.
here goes.
Disposable gloves
extra sheets
extra washing powder
tumble drying
waterproof bedding
water proof quilts
travel to special school(mine are 25 miles away)
school trips (more common with special schools)
Outings with 'normal' daughter
Hospital stays (parking for appointments)
You should be able to claim for a washing machine and dryer which is maintained for 5 years for free, also a yearly cheap holiday, they gave me a caravan becuase mine do not like change. From the Family fund. (if the child is under 16)
I often have to fetch my son from school which is a 50 mile round trip and they have outings every week, they run a weekly fund for this. I hate to say this one but my youngest son causes damage to light bulbs anything hanging should move in his world, need I say more? He also chews his own clothes, which have to be replaced. Cups glasses and TV remotes are among his other victims, windows have been too,I wouldnt be without him for a second, he lights up my life, so do the other two. I hope this helps you to come up with a list.
I wish you the very best of luck
fly me up to where you are beyong the distant star, I will wish upon tonight, to see you smile, only for a while, to know youre there, a breath away is not too far, to where you are.
Last edited by
freelili on Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.