Hi again
Sometimes the people you speak to initially are not actually IP's but clerks who dont actually know about BR, they deal with IVA's. Dont forget that noone can draw a fee from you going BR. I am not an expert as I have said but I have seen a few come here saying similar things to what you are saying and they have already committed and are suffering the consequences. Its not the debtors fault, we come on the phone to someone and spill out all our figures, how hard is that to do? We just hang on to their every word and grateful for any kind of straw they offer us to grab at, we dont know and thats the problem, we just dont know but hope to hell that they can get us out of this blackest hole.
I do know that Melanie is very good and will be very honest, if you have any doubts just give her a ring or any other company, just to see if they agree with your figures? Then at least you will be able see if what youre being told now checks out or not. In all walks of life and every profession there are good and bad. Just like Mr, Bodjit and charge a fortune plummer or electrician, there are Mrs come and give me your money, you debtor you, IPs.
I am not slating your IP, I am simply saying check your figures out with another just to see if youre being given a fair service.
Debtors are vunerable as they often have to keep things to themselves and dont know what should happen so wouldnt spot a web. Often they are ashamed, tired, guilty and desperate not to mention harrassed to within an inch of their sanity.
You have nothing to lose by phoning a couple more, I know you want to sort this out ASAP, I did, I couldnt wait to get some relief. Its such an important decision to make and better to make a careful and secure decision later than to jump in with doubts now.
Good luck, I know this is a very hard and difficult time youre having now.