Kitney wrote:
My glasses are driving me mad! My lenses keep getting 'mucky' in the middle and restricting my view literally constantly. I have been back to the opticians because I never had this problem before and can you believe it - my eyelashes are too long - well actually it's my lenses that are now to thick (got a higher level prescription now that makes the lenses thicker). I even went to a different optician for a second opinion and was told the same.
The only way to correct this is to pay extra and buy 'thinner' lenses the next time I need them - but these come at a price - up to £150 more than normal lenses (shopped around at my four local opticians). The thing is I had to pay for part of my existing glasses through miscellaneous funds cos the budget wasn't enough even for a very reasonably priced pair of glasses.
So my question is, when I am next due my review - can I ask for this to be taken in to account (I could even show them cost comparisons!) and increase my medical/dental/optical bill (though we could be talking double - from £24 to £48 for 2 people). An alternative is to increase my subscription level to HSA - which would give me higher level cover for everything medical/dental/optical etc not just glasses, but even then it may not be enough!
Thanks, Kitney
Hi there, this is bull****!! Pardon my French. I worked in an Opticians for 10 years. Go back there and tell them you want the Back Vertex Distance (BVD) altered to accomoddate your problem. True you might need thinner lenses, but moving the lenses a few mm's away from from face should sort it out.
Your eyelashes are coated in a waxy residue to stop dust getting in your eyes which is what is giving you the grief, overtime though, your eyelashes would eventually scratch the lenses right where you look through them.
If you've never had this problem before, the chances are someone just wants you to part with some more cash (which is something no-one on this forum has). I hated people overselling and screwing people over when I worked for a well known chain of Opticians, it gives the profession a bad name and to be perfectly frank, these dispensers don't care about your Optical health or their standard of work. I would find someone who cares about the art of dispensing and takes some pride in thier work.
Sorry, stepping down off the soap box.