The advice given here is quite right. If you declare bankruptcy, you will normally be discharged after 12 months. Any windfalls you receive after you are discharged are 100% yours to keep. Therefore with bankruptcy, you are only at risk of having to give over windfalls for 1 year max. This is in contrast to the IVA where you will risk having to give up any windfalls received across the full 5 years of the agreement.
Rememeber, in bankruptcy, if you have significant disposable income, you may still be asked to pay and income payment order which means you will have to make payments towards your debt for 3 years (2 years after you are discharged). However, these are likely to be less than the payments you would make each month in an IVA.
As such, if you have no property or specific job to protect, financially Bankruptcy is the best solution hands down
James Falla
Expert in IVA, Bankruptcy and informal Debt Management solutions for over 10 years.
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