I am concerned about this letter

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Post by freelili » Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:51 am

I have recieved a letter from HSBC, it states that if I do not resume payments they will report to credit ref angencies. and I will not be able to gain a mortgage, I rent. Not responding to the letter will result in default notice, and a charge of £50 If your account is passed to collection agency further costs will be added,(these costs are higher when an agent visits your home). If legal action is necessary more costs will be incurred. It then goes on to say that they are not looking to make unreasonable demands, they want to seek an arrangement.

I understand the credit ref thing, and the default notice, this is when they inform me that I have breached the agreement I sighned, what is scaring me and something that I cannot cope with is the agent calling thing. For some time now I have acutally been scared to sit in my front lounge, spending all my time in the back downstairs bedroom, I do not like walking through the lounge to get to the kitchen, I am scared of cars outside an am afraid of strangers walking past. I am also scared to face the world and use the back door to go in and out when I do have to, parking my car right outside the back gate. I am OK once I take the step to go out but then I am afraid to come back, to face it all again. I am hounded constantly on the phone, I do not answer anymore,its someone calling at the house that just terrifies me. Last week I began a DMP, I know it takes time for all the paperwork etc and I really felt relieved to be doing something. HSBC are my biggest creditor, I owe then 15K, they call the most, I have tried to explain my situation but they seem to just increase the pressure, and have been really callous. The letter does not say might call it says will call and since they are so persistant I am feeling that they will.



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Post by MelanieGiles » Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:54 am

Get the company who are dealing with your DMP to deal with this. That is what they are being paid for!!!

Unlikely that HSBC will send a debt collector round. I expect that this is just a threat to get you to pay something - which is exactly what your DMP will be doing as soon as it gets off the ground.

Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner for over 20 years.
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Post by freelili » Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:59 am
Hi and thank you for replying so quickly,

I cannot make a payment anyway, I do not have a debit card, the advisor told me not to. She also said that they only see the situation now and tend not to look at what might be on offer in future. the debts have resulting in stress, which has prevented me from working, (my skin started to blister and has broken out mainly on my arms, I am on long term steroids and have had tests, the doctor says its stress. Since my work involves working with infected wounds many involving MRSA I havent got a chance of getting medical clearance, never mind a job). What I have said to my creditors is; This is a very difficult time, I am stressed and unable to work, I have other creditors besides yourselves. I am unable to make a payment today, I do not have a debit card, my mother has very recently and suddenly passed away, there will be money available in her will in the future to offer a settlement through a lump sum IVA, in the meantime I have recently proposed a DMP, on top of this I have disabled children. I am not asking for your sympathy, I know that I owe you money. Would it be possible for you to enter this information to prevent further harrassment? You have made your position clear in the many phone calls and letters that I have recieved, I am now trying to do the same, but there are many of you and only one of me, you do not seem to comunicate. They still threaten to take legal action, I have just had a call while writing this, we cannot freeae interest, unless you make a payment today, it just going to get worse, she said.

Thank you melanie, I am so grateful



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Post by MelanieGiles » Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:51 pm
You cannot do any more than you are doing Lily, but I still feel your DMP company shoud be dealing with this for you. Ask them to ring HSBC for you to re-emphasise your position.

Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner for over 20 years.
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Post by scaredkez » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:00 pm
lily heres me sitting feeling sorry for myself when you are going through a nightmare too, i really do feel with you, these people are just doing a job i know but they don't realise how many calls you are getting on a daily basis as you rightly said there are many of them and only one of you, i hate it when the phone rings or the door bell rings as my little one tends to answer the door looking for her grandma, no one has been but its that fear, i have found also sometimes that if the little one answers the phone they don't speak at the other end and put the phone down, it doesn't work all the time though, i hope all this gets sorted very soon for you and you take care of yourself too as you said to me your health is very important.
take care kerri
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Post by freelili » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:03 pm
How can they say it is going to get worse? What could possibly happen that would make things any worse than this? I honestly, trully feel that I just want to go to sleep and not wake up. How do I face tomorrow when I cannot even copw with today?

I would not do anything to myself, couldnt do that to my children, no way. Why cant they just leave me alone? I am having to take my mothers home apart to get out of this mess, ASAP. It just feels so wrong and I hate myself for it. Sorry to sound off I am having a really bad day, no sleep again last night.
Murderers seem get treated better.

Totally and utterley Sick of it all



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Post by scaredkez » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:13 pm
let it all out lily, thats how i felt last night and woke up feeling this morning if it was just me i could have run away and hid somewhere, they don't realise you are already at the worst stage and its their threats and way they try and intimidate you into making payments you haven't got, i don't know how anyone could do that job, you have been honest with them what more do they want, you have explained recent events and this what makes me so mad how they can be so callous at this time, on another forum i read, someone wrote how they were harrassed on the telephone and the creditor said they were sending someone round and she just replied well let me know when they are comong and i will buy a cake, they never turned up, as melanie said its all threats but i know myself thats one of my biggest fears,if they do you don't have to deal with them at the door, advise them you will deal with them on the phone, kindly get off your property as they are trespassing and you will phone the police,
take the phone off the hook today and give yourself a break and concentrate on whats important to you and the kids, i do feel for you lily and you will get through this.
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Post by Skippy » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:34 pm
Oh Lily, I feel so guilty for moaning last night - you have got so much going on in your life, and yet you still had time to write to me. I just wish the creditors would leave you alone (and you Kerri) - making you ill is not going to get them any money any quicker. I'm so sorry your health is suffering Lily. As Kerri said, give yourself a break and concentrate on you - you and your kids are the most important ones.

Like I said, thanks again for being so kind to me - I actually feel guilty for getting my IVA problems sorted out when you and Kerri are struggling!

Good luck, and don't let them beat you. Your health is worth more than their money xxxxxxx

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Post by freelili » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:43 pm
Thank you both
Kez I think we are both feeling the same way, thanks for the cake thing, its cheered me up,I just love it. I stopped answering the phones because everytime I had to tell them about mom, I cried, as I had the image of her, sitting on the sofa, dead. Dont get me wrong, she looked so peaceful and small and really cuddly.It was just upsetting me to the point of not being able to function. Since the DMP I have answered to explain it all in a none emotional manner, but the same companies call with different operaters, repeatedly. I am now going to get out for a bit, its a beautiful day here and try and get my sense of humour for when my kids get back. I did stupid things with them last night, we played shoot the duck and I find it really helps, me to lessen the burden on them, who are grieving also. I will post these letters off to the DMP Melanie, I have some pre paid envelopes which I had forgotten about.

Thank you both so much for your support, good luck with the job Kez, everything is crossed.



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Post by freelili » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:47 pm
Thanks skippy, dont feel guilty, you have been great, you needed suppoet yesterday, I was happy to give it to both of you. Your post came through when I was writing.

I am glad that you are getting on better today, I am sure Kerri will be too.
Love to both



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Post by DebtDummy » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:50 pm
scaredkez is correct lilli. Disconnect your telephone and get some much needed rest. I have HSBC as my largest creditor. They ranged me several times a day driving me to distraction! Some of them have awful mouths on them too. I mean, the things they can say really makes me question their professionalism.

As for the home visit. I was threatened with home visits as well. I never received one; and I told them it was not legal for them to force me to have one.

Contact your DMP and tell them to handle this immediately as you are not well and under a doctor's care and this is aggravating your condition.

You poor woman. What you must be enduring day after day after day.
I am with you in spirit my sister-in-debt;and so is kez and everyone else here who has/is gone/going through that scenario. It's okay to log on and be emotional here. It relieives pent-up anger and stress.

I am not sleeping well either. One night I was soooo upset with everything, I logged on and typed a rant titled: A Sleepless Woman's Rant and Rave or something like that. http://www.iva.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=767
get a cuppa (it's long), and read it. After reading it you will see you are not alone in feeling 'fed-up'; and some parts may bring a smile to your face [:)]. And smiling will make you feel better.

Take care my sister-in-debt.

All I have left is my humour. :)
All I have left is my humour. :)

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Post by freelili » Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:00 pm
Thank you DD, Its just been a bad day, but tonight I will sleep. Went to GP to get prescription for Happy pills that they put me on two months ago, I got a repeat in December with no problems. There with my usual stuff was a note saying I am not allowed to have them anymore until I have been seen, didnt notice til I got to the chemist. They have helped me with the anxiety and sleeping, I actually felt quite positive last week. Anyway I got back to the car and decided to challenge their medical decision. I know from my own pharmo training that these things should not be stopped abruptly, they also take time to build up to a theraputic level. I phoned to speak to them but the receptionist said the doctor would not issue them until I had seen her, offered and appointment for next Wed. I asked for the number of the governing body because I felt that the decision was wrong and they could have said this last month to give me a chance of an appointment before I ran out. I was put thro to practice manager,I repeated myself adding that I feel forced to suffer withdrawal and that I was going to have to obtain over the counter meds to help me sleep tonight, which may interact with the drugs I am already taking for Lupus/stress whatever it is. So I got allergy, flu meds, plus travel sickness and tonight I will sleep.

still Sick of it all



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Post by Skippy » Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:26 pm
Please go careful with the medication Lily. I think it's disgusting that you can't see a doctor until next Wednesday. Until I moved last year my doctor was like that - now I can't book in advance, only on the day - talk about going from one extreme to the other. Would it be worth ringing them again tomorrow and asking if there are any cancellations? What about emergency appointments? Your situation sounds like an emergency to me, and surely they must keep some appointments back. You could even try my very last resort - if you won't let me have an appointment you evil old witch I will come down to the surgery and I will sit in the waiting room until someone can be bothered to see me.

Sorry if that sounds bossy, it's not meant to. I am worried about you, and angry for you - no one deserves to be treated the way you are. Good luck, and sleep well tonight xxx

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Post by zoe » Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:30 pm
i agree Lily i am in the same boat prescribed zopicone because of all this!
It has been great talking on here - finally realising it is not just me that these bl**dy people are doing this too. you would think you have borrowed money from them personally!
Hope you sleep well tonight


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Post by scaredkez » Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:31 pm
lily is it wise to take all these meds you have got me really worried about you
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