how to deal with phone calls from debt collection

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skint of leek

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Post by skint of leek » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:42 pm
**copied from** might be of use!

In general, it’s best to communicate in writing, but if they keep calling (whilst you’re waiting for the CAG phone harassment letter to arrive!), these techniques should help you to take control of the calls and stop dreading the phone ringing.

The first thing to remember is that the people on the other end of the phone are nothing special; in particular, they have no legal powers. In general, they are not very well paid call-centre staff who rely upon commission to bump up their pay. They will not usually be the sharpest knives in the drawer - if they were, they wouldn’t be working at a DCA. Most of the time they will be working to some sort of script. They will have a list of objections and how to overcome them. Their aim is to control the conversation to try to get you to do what they want.

First, some basics:

- stand up when you’re on the phone. It helps you to be assertive.
- keep your hands relaxed - avoid clenching your fists
- try to maintain a confident, pleasant tone of voice
- be polite. Losing your temper plays into their hands, as does getting upset

I don't recommend playing music down the phone, blowing whistles or just telling them to feck off; it may give a momentary sense of satisfaction, but it's unlikely to stop them calling.

The Broken Record

This is an effective technique for dealing with DCAs when you have asked them not to call but they persist.

On a piece of paper, print or write a script in large letters. Keep it simple - ‘I’ll only communicate about this matter in writing’, for example. Keep your script by the phone. When the DCA rings, just read the script as a response to everything they say. Keep your voice moderate and calm - smiling as you say it will help. Don’t be distracted by anything they say; don’t interrupt - just repeat the script as your response to everything. Sounds simple, but it really does work.

The Brick Wall

This technique involves sticking to your position no matter what. The DCA will ultimately realise that no matter what they say, they aren’t going to get the answer they want.

So, as an example, the DCA asks when you will pay the debt, and the answer is ‘when you have complied with my request for all communication to be in writing’. The DCA says that they are a phone-based company, and the answer is ‘that may be your policy, but as I’ve already told you, I’ll only deal with you in writing’. The DCA says they’ll keep phoning, and the response is ‘that would be harassment, and as I won’t deal with you except in writing, it’ll be pointless, too’

The Silent Treatment

Silence is probably the most difficult obstacle to overcome. Most people feel an urge to fill a silence (we’ve all experienced the occasional awkward pause, and seen how quickly someone will rush to end it), and his can be used to advantage. So, you’ve told the monkey once that you’ll only deal with them in writing, but he continues to ask when you’ll pay. Say nothing; the monkey will wonder what the silence means - are you thinking how much to pay, or are you ignoring him? - but he won’t be able to resist for long, and within a few seconds will respond, either by repeating the question or asking if you are still on the line. Your response is ‘sorry, I’ve already explained my position’, followed by silence - and then more silence, no matter what he says. The call probably won’t last long - silence will make the monkey feel increasingly uncomfortable. Note that it can be quite difficult to maintain the silence - especially if the DCA tries to provoke an answer or wind you up, but they’ll find it harder if you are resolute. The occasional ‘hmmm’ or verbal equivalent of a nod will show you are still on the line, and will increase their irritation.

Just say no

Fairly obvious, this one, and a variation of the Broken Record. Basically, you reply to every point the monkey makes by saying no - no, you won’t deal with them on the phone; no, you won’t be making a payment now, and so on. Bear in mind, though, that most people find it difficult to say no - who hasn’t spent more than they intended at least once because a salesman talked them into it?

Confusion reigns

This technique is designed to throw the DCA off track and waste their time, and is based upon you being vague and as if you don’t understand anything. So, whatever the DCA says, your answers will be along the lines of ‘sorry, I didn’t understand that, will you just go over it again?’; ‘sorry, you’ve lost me’, and so on. If you know your stuff and especially if they are recording you (or you them), confusion can be used to make a point and turn the tables completely. Suppose the DCA says ‘Right, we’ll be sending the bailiffs in next week’, the response would be ‘I don’t understand; you’ll have to explain that to me, because I always understood that to do that you’d need to get a CCJ first, and then I’d have to fail to comply with a court order before you could take any sort of bailiff action. So can you tell me how, given that you haven’t proved that I’m liable for this debt yet, you’re going to send the bailiff’s in next week? Why haven’t you responded to my s.78 request yet? And another thing, deliberately misleading and being deceitful is against the OFT guidance. So how do you explain it then?’ A compound statement like this, especially if it’s said assertively, gives the monkey too many points to take in or answer satisfactorily all at once, and he’ll then either have to ask for an explanation (which puts you in control), or (more likely), he’ll realise he’s been bested and get very defensive, making himself look foolish (which also pts you in control). If he tries bravado and starts his script again, just pick one point and pursue it relentlessly.

Collectorus interruptus

Phone calls, when they interrupt what you were doing, can be annoying. When you are a DCA phone monkey, interruptions disrupt what you are trying to do, which is to persuade someone to do something they either shouldn’t have to do, or don’t want to do. Whilst they’re talking, interrupt their flow - it makes it impossible for them to be effective. Try coughing, or politely interrupting and saying ‘sorry, I didn’t catch that last bit’, for example. Interruptions are a great way of getting off the phone, if you feel your confidence waning, or if you’re just sick of talking to cretins. The doorbell, or mobile phone are your friends here. Then there's ‘must go to the lavatory…’ and hang up. The monkey is left talking to a dead line, and it denies him the smug pleasure he gets from winding people up so much they hang up in anger or tears.

Once again, where possible don't speak to DCAs - but if you must, these techniques may help.

Record your calls
Follow this link to read the review of the Truecall telephone recorder and call manager.
This is the Rolls Royce of call recorders.
It's a bit pricey but if you buy it with our special offer you will get it at cost: about 20% discount.
How much do we make on the deal? - Nothing at all.
You can also buy cheaper devices from Maplins. Truecall is the best - but the important thing is to record your calls.


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Post by luluj » Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:09 am
A simple way is to change your phone number or do not confirm the security questions !
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt

There is a solution for everyone .... Just need to stay positive !

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Post by kallis3 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:53 am
I just didn't answer the calls. With my mobile, I just changed my ringtone to that of my message tone, so it just sounded as though I had received a text.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
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