We have not even been accepted for our IVA yet, we are still in the paperwork stages yet the feelings and emotions are many and varied.
We have struggled for many years, the usual things like robbing Peter to pay Paul, getting yet another credit card etc etc.
I don't actually deal with our finances per se, I leave that to the Mrs, we have a join account where both our wages go into and she pays the bills from that. My needs are not great, a few quid for petrol and a bottle of wine once a week are - I would say - not great demands for working full time.
Things came to a head last month when wifey admitted that there was no where to go, and no way to cover all the debts. I suppose I have been expecting this for a while, I suspected we were in strife a couple of years ago but I guess I buried my head in the sand and let her get on with it.
So how do I feel? Nervous, scared, apprehensive, depressed? No, not at all, on the contrary I'm excited about it. Why you may ask when I'm drowning in debt with a possibility of having to declare bankruptcy am I feeling this way?
Simple, I just take a look at my kids, particularly the younger two who, although 8 and 6 have never had a holiday. They have only seen the sea about 2 or 3 times, this when we have managed to spirit away enough funds for a cheap day in Barmouth. Neither of them have stopped away from home for a night, and I'm so looking forward to taking them away. OK, so it will not be for another 5 or 6 years, but they are going to have a fantastic time, and not one penny will be spent that has not been earned before we go.[:D]
Alas, I am dying beyond my means.
Oscar Wilde