not meaning to hijack this post, but would like to say to lilly i will be thinking of you tomorrow, try and enjoy your day, and to all the others when you have a loss it does put things into perspective, all your loved ones who have departed will be thinking of you and will be so proud that you have the courage to stand up and admit your problems and are doing something about them, jd i am thinking of you also and hope your partner can get himself away from those horrible thoughts, remember you owe money not your lives and there will be a solution /light at the end of the tunnel for us all and we will all come out the otherside the better person.
jd you need to look after yourself also, i know its easy to say calm down but you must, what are your creditors going to do to you both, you cannot go to jail or be flogged through the streets, the pair of you try and get a good nights sleep and concentrate on the new arrival
i do hope things seem clearer soon, take care everyone, its so good to have the support here that we all need
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