I know- we got into trouble when my hubby took a 10k a year pay cut to work closer to home & then the company car tax changed & made us £400 a month worse off. That's when the rot started to set in,,,but we already had had number 4 by then,,,& even tho he worked closer to home, his hours were all over the place so I could never go out & get an evening/twighlight shift job to help out.
However!! It's the kids turn to start contributing to household expenses now...the eldest has finally got a job!! I'll be taking " board & lodgings" money off him from end of jan...it'll pay my astronomical gas & electric dd every month- & do you know what the cheeky monkey said to me when I was showing him how to use the washing machine to wash his work stuff?
" I don't need to know that mum,,that's what I'm paying you for!!!"
An old bible proverb says this: the rich one rules the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender.
How true are those words of wisdom.