all upset right now

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Post by Skippy » Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:53 pm
Well said Sam

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present - a gift to make the most of.

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Post by lily » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:11 pm
Thank you

each and everyone of you, you lovely people you.



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Post by tracy.h » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:01 pm
Lily,as i said to you before no matter what happens in good times and bad your mum as mine will always be there looking down.
I often feel her presence when im at my lowest,and it always reassures me that no matter what she's still there to guide me through the good and bad times.
I know its still early days Lily but you believe me when i say time is a healer and your mum would be so proud of you you have helped so many people me included when ever i see you posting i know you are helping people to cope and never judge anyone.Your words meen so much to so many people.
Be proud Lily you have earnt it.xx


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Post by mike.s » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:22 pm
Hi Lily,
So sorry to hear you are down at the moment, I can only guess at what is wrong, but my first thought was ' ohhhh Nooooo!! please, please be happy' I have only been on these pages for a very, very short time and really only just a baby as to how it works, but today I felt strong and almost happy for the first in.. well I can't really remember, but it is down to you, your help and kind words of support and encouragement and I want to say thank you so much. I feel so much stronger today because I know that you are there if I need help and suport, and I've quickly learnt that help, support and kind words are such a comforting thing and help so much. Be happy, you have helped me through a very tough time, you are a very special person, thank you for taking the time to help me, I truly hope you will be feeling great again soon.
Luv Mike


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Post by scaredkez » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:29 pm
oh lily hadn't seen this post earlier, even e-mailed you and didn't know you were upset, hope you are bearing up, its been a hard year, and a hard time is coming up, but with you all the way, just as your mum is, know exactly what you feel, chin up chicken, and battle on the way you have your mum will be so proud of you.

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Post by lily » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:32 pm
ahhh Thanks mike

Can you just feel the love on this forum, guys? I am bouncing right back.

Its been a tough journey, hopefully I am on the home straight now. I looked back and realised what I had lost but we shouldnt look back when we are moving forward. (well perhaps just for a day, now and again)

Mike, reading your post the other day I realise just how far I have come, my first post was almost the same, I was alone until I began to trust those around me, it was a huge relief when I did.



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Post by spenmotherhen » Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:14 am
Hi Lily
"Chin up Chicken"
We all have pants days now again, you are a strong person and will always survive.
Take care x
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