after completion of IVA- advice

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Post by pjr21 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:17 pm

I too have completed my IVA in Feb 2011. I have automatically been receiveing the IVA NEWS from Tyler Morgan

In teh recent correspondence they said that they would write to my creditors free of charge and all i had to do was get my credit report and send to them along with 8 first class stamps

Q Has anyone actaully used the services of Tyler Morgan. Can they be trusted?

Tyler Morgan are trying to push their claims services for Bank charges and PPI charges for loans and Credit Cards, which i dont want to use these services as i feel I was teh person who go into debt and do not feel is is just to reclaim from the bank/credit card companies, as I only paid back 40% of the total money i owed them

I am now in a well paid job and want to get a mortage next year when my credit file is clear.

Q. I want to know does anyone have a copy of a letter that i should be sending to the creditors asking that they mark my file a payment complete?

Q. Also has anyone gone to a motages company recently after completing an IVA and had any problems?

Q. are tehre any compnaies that are better to use for getting Mortages after completing IVAs

help or advice would be great and very welcome




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Post by kallis3 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:21 pm
Sorry but this sounds very much like a scam.

You can sort out your own credit file by writing to any creditor who has defaulted you after the IVA acceptance and they have to remove those defaults. Just send a copy of your completion certificate and that will do it.

It will take a while for your credit to build up again.

Ignore these companies, just do it yourself.
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Post by ginger3232 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:49 pm
8 first class stamps =£3.60 - you can get your online report for £2, and you will only disclose your personal information directly to a credit agency


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Post by kallis3 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:52 pm
We've had similar posts recently - do not touch any firm like this with a ten foot barge pole. For them to do anything they will need all of your personal details and you do not want to be giving them away!
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
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