Report on the Debt Evening organised 01/08/07

Following the success of previous events, the IVA.co.uk Debt Debate - Credit Culture was held on the 1st August 2007. This debate focused on recent topical debt related issues, specifically the ease with which credit is acquired and how large amounts of personal debt are becoming increasingly normal. The debate featured industry specific views and comments, pre-empting industry change alongside national and international economic analysis.
Research into the IVA process and possible changes to be championed through IVA.co.uk were presented.
Key topics included:
- The relationship between creditors, the debt solution industry and consumers
- The pros and cons of the proposed SIVA, or Simple IVA
- The regulation of the debt solutions industry
- Debt and debt solutions in Europe compared to the UK
Doors opened at 6.30pm and the debate ran from 7-8pm. Drinks and Refreshments followed.
Read a transcript of the event
A full transcript of the event, including the topics discussed and questions from the audience.
Click here for information on the next event
Read information and book a place at the next event on the 24th of October.
Scottie T Photography
Please check out my site at www.scottiet.com

Mark Allen is a partner at Grant Thornton. He is responsible for the National IVA service line and is a chartered accountant.
Dr Karl Taylor is the reader in economics at the University of Sheffield and also on the Editorial Board of Economic Issues.
Jonathan Said is a senior economist at the CEBR (Centre for Economics and Business Research) and contributes to macroeconomic analysis and forecasting.
Vincent Cable, MP for Twickenham and regular commentator on government policy regarding debt.
82-84 St Martins Lane
Covent Garden,
London, WC2N 4AA
"I found the IVA.co.uk Debt Evening extremely informative, very interesting and a little bit revealing".
Glen Bullivant, Institute of Credit Management
"I think it went very well. For me, it was incredibly informative, because you talk about these things in abstract but then, suddenly, you’re meeting the real people who are affected by getting into debt, and it does bring it home."
Anthony Hilton, Evening Standard
"I really enjoyed the Debt Evening; it was an incredibly interesting and topical debate in a relaxed environment. I would recommend it to anyone living in Britain as debt affects everyone now a days."
Courtney Smith, VISIT BRITAIN
"As a teacher I am hugely concerned about debt not only from my own perspective but from the perspective of students of the future who are increasingly struggling with funding their education. The debate was topical and covered all my concerns. It was also very interesting to meet other people who have experience debt first hand in Britain. An interesting, thought provoking and well catered for event."
Paula Sunderland
- R3
- RE10 (South East) Ltd
- Haslers
- Benedict Mackenzie
- Macallum Slator
- Turpin Baker Armstrong
- Price WaterHouse Coopers
- CooperParry
- VisitBritain
- Frost Group
- Bankruptcy Advisory Service
- McTear William and Wood
- Eacotts
- Brightwell Associates
- Accuma
- Chase Credit
- Money Advice Trust
- Grant Thornton
- Finebridge
- Life Academy
- ICM (Institute of Credit Management)
- Brown Secor Consulting
- Ditch the Debt.com
- Eaga
- Dains Chartered Accountants
- Crown Mortgage Management
- Resolve
- Levy and Partners
- PDP Management Services
- Brachers
- IVA Advice Company
- Philip Gill & Co
- Bright Oak