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PayPlan Full & Final

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 6:02 pm
by simon363

Does anyone have experience of making an offer and the process of a full and final with PayPlan.

I'd like to know what they are likely to ask from me in terms of any documentation etc to process and hopefully complete an accepted F&F (thinking positive)


Re: PayPlan Full & Final

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 6:22 pm
by Foggy
They will want to know where the money is coming from -- usually friends or family. They will want to see evidence of the funds ( bank statement) and proof of ID of the donor. Monies are usually transferred direct from the donors bank account to the IVA providers client account (not via your bank account).

They will have to present your offer to creditors and any supporting reasons you can give will help.