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Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:29 pm
by scrubage
My husband and I have finally had our F&F submitted by our IP. The final offer to creditors is that we will be paying a combined dividend of 18.31p in the £1. Individually I will be paying back 12.11p in the £1, compared with 17.93p in the £1 and my husband will be paying 6.20p compared to 13.51p as originally agreed.

This means that we will be paying back £16,896 compared to our agreed £21,120 (obviously this figure is not minus the IP fees).

Our IP has said that because I'm pregnant, our circumstances for the F&F being accepted are very strong, but I would really appreciate if someone else can have a look at these figures for us and let us know if they also think it is a good strong offer?

I am so worried about this as the baby is due in early July and the F&F meeting isn't until the end of May and we need to know for our own peace of mind the likelyhood of it going through.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:35 pm
by MelanieGiles
I would not say that the offer is a strong one, but if it is the best you can do under the circumstnaces then I am sure that creditors will find it accpetable.

Try not to worry - you need to look after that little one.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:38 pm
by kallis3
Good luck scrubage, everything crossed for you!

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:44 pm
by scrubage
Thanks Melanie and Kallis, our IP have been helpful but also extremely misleading with this proposal and I am actually feeling quite upset with the whole thing. We asked them to put forward a proposal about 2 months ago and they have only just got round to doing that now.

I also think it's misleading that they have said time and time again that this is a really strong offer and that 18.31p in the £1 is excellent.

I just really can't see how we are going to survive with a baby if this doesn't go through because we are left with only £30 each month to live on after paying all the bills and buy 1 lot of food shopping.

I would just really like them to be honest with us if it's not a strong enough offer.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:45 pm
by scrubage
Ps. Do you think I should question them about this tomorrow?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:48 pm
by MelanieGiles
Let your IP deal with the work of the IVA and you focus on your health and the baby. At the end of the day it is in your IP's interests to get the proposal accepted and they ought to be experienced in these matters. Which firm are you with?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:54 pm
by scrubage
Thanks Melanie, do you mind if I don't say. It's just they are helping us out with the F&F and I am being a bit annoyed with them on here. I don't really want them to see it ;)

It does say in our proposal that we will have no other option but to go bankrupt if this is not accepted. Do you think that maybe this along with our personal circumstances might pursuede the creditors into agreement?

Ps. I forgot to say in my last post that we are making a F&F offer of £2000 lump sum from my husband's friend as well. I'm not sure whether this is included in the 18.31p in the £1 offer though

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:15 pm
by Shining
Good luck from myself too x

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:05 pm
by scrubage
Thank you Lesley :)

Forgive my baby brain, but I've got my figures wrong earlier.

Over the 5 years we were due to pay back £19760.40 (this is after our IP fees) with our F&F offer we will actually be paying back £18137.66 (as we've only got 11 months left). This means that the creditors are only letting us off a combined £1622.74, which equates to £95.46 each. Does this sound like a better offer now? Sorry to be confusing!