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Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:31 pm
by catullus
I think that this last query is probably of more importance Melanie.

As you say I don't think that failure to register the IVA would invalidate it. I can't think of any technical reason why it would.

However, the Chairman's report is far more relevent, not only because failure to file it at court must have some implications (can't think what at the moment!!)but also as to what it actually said.

I've come across this very recently where debtors are not properly advised about mods at the time of the meeting and are simply sent a Chairmans report which they are asked to sign to confirm acceptance of the mods.

If the act of filing it in court is triggered by the receipt of the signed mods from the debtor, and the debtor doesn't send it back, no report filed in court and we end up with a complete mess on our hands, hence talk about backdating registrations etc
But what were the creditors told after the meeting, methinks?

Not trying to justify this, just speculating what might have happened and all roads lead back to the chairmans report and what it says,

There really is something very strange about this tale!!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:43 pm
by MelanieGiles
Glad you responded to this Catullus as, to be quite frank, I have never come across anything as bizarre as this before.

The poster doesn't say that the report was not filed in Court, simply that he did not agree the modifications. Now we know that this makes the IVA null and void if challenged, but assuming that the main objection here is the equity release clause, he is not going to get a new IVA avoiding that in today's climate.

To be honest in my practice we file the Chairman's Report on the day of the meeting, without waiting for signed mods back from the client. But I don't volume process, so we are able to treat all of our clients individually and the modifications are carefully discussed with them on the day of the meeting. If there is any doubt in my mind that a client does not understand the implications of a modification, then we adjourn until I am certain.

As you know we only have four days to file in Court, so you would probably miss that deadline if you were waiting for a signed report to be returned, and I can honestly say I have never once had a problem with my methodology over the last 10 years.

My money on this increasingly strange tale is that the Supervisor's staff failed to notify the debtor of the mods, assumed that they were acceptable, and issued their reports. This does seem to be increasingly common - particularly amongst the larger processors. It seems that they forgot to register - which in itself is a heinous crime in the eyes of the DTI - but doesn't necessarily invalidate the IVA.

Legal advice and a complaint to the regulators is looming here - and I simply don't understand the relevance of a new Supervisor.

Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner for over 20 years.

For further details contact me at and view my IVA blog at:

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:00 pm
by catullus
Agreed with all you say, but by the sound of it, Charlie didn;t get the Chairman's report for 6 months after the MoC.

Now I can understand the system breaking down (well I can't actually!!) as far as explaining to the client what the mods are all about, but if the system still allows a chairmans report to be issued (and presumably the report to creditors)why didn't Charlie get a copy?

As to the reference to the change in Supervisor, I'm REALLY worried about that!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:12 pm
by MelanieGiles
Definately a complaint if ever I saw one. Our profession has no room for nonsense like this and bad apples ought to be rooted out.

Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner for over 20 years.

For further details contact me at and view my IVA blog at:

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:07 pm
by catullus

keeping the IP forum going did you see the R3 release today? Looks like the anti TIX bandwagon is starting to roll.

And Charlie, don't feel left out of this thread. Melanie and I are intrigued to know more of this story.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:39 pm
by MelanieGiles
Yes - I thought it was all rather well put. Let's hope we get some clarity about all of this very soon. The IPA also put out a similar statement - have not seen anything from the ICAEW yet, although I am told one is on its way.

Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner for over 20 years.

For further details contact me at and view my IVA blog at:

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:53 pm
by catullus
It will be interesting to see whether TIX agree to suspend, pending legal clarification. My money is on that they won't.

In the meantime, today I've been wading through their useless and contradictory "revisions" in preparation to make myself part of the cartel.

You could drive a truck through some of the gaps they've left with their amateurish effort to intervene in to something they have no experience of, and the IP's who are advising them must be doing so because they are so useless they couldn't get a job anywhere else.

As usual, when I rant, don't expect you to reply!!
Anonymity is a great thing sometimes.!!

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:08 am
by charlie_

Outstanding this has comforted me somewhat, only because it appears that the IVA can still be registered from the hearing date Sept 06.I didn't want to start all over again.

Is there no way I can get out of signing these mods ?? I presume thay still stand even though the IP never cleared them with me until the Mar 07.


I have been paying since May 06. I will be making a complaint against the IP, not sure on the procedure yet. I will read some guides on the forum. I am still awaiting this letter from the IP.

Again thanks for the response.



Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:44 am
by Adam Davies
"CARTEL" that sums it all up.

Andy Davie Spokesperson

About me:

IVA Helpline: 0800 197 4838

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:21 am
by charlie_

I have read all this again, will try to answer some of your Qs, this was the sequence of events.

1. Applied for IVA during Mar 06
2. Payed to IP / IVA from May 06
3. Various meetings with crediters / court until Sept 06
4. Recieved confimation, report of decision for 12th Sept. This stated that there where mods, but no reference to what they where. All I recieved was a Certificate of approval and guidance notes. A phone call was recieved to say I was succesful but again no reference to mods.
5. Recieved letter during Mar 07 requesting mods to be signed.
6. Replied by letter asking where and why these had turned up from.
7. Recived call from supervisor during Apr 07 informing me that it was being looked into.
8. Recieved letter Aug 07 refering to letter I sent March, staing If I didn't sign these mods then I am not in an IVA.

Ref: The Q about what I agreed to at the time of the crediter meeting, in the initial proposal, it was agreed that I had insufficient equity in the property and that there would be insufficient for the duration of the IVA. Therefore I never agreed anything as I never recieved any call or letter or document to sign until March.

Not sure if this information will help in any way.



Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:24 pm
Hello Charlie,

I'm sorry to hear about the service that you have received from your IP. Would you consider posting a review of your experience at This might help others considering an IVA to avoid similar problems.

I hope that you manage to resolve this.

Kind regards,
Terry Balfour - Comparing IVA firms by using consumer feedback.

Please rate your IVA firm or Insolvency Practitioner by reviewing them here:

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:01 pm
by charlie_
Hi All

Finally received the information. I had to sign the mods and the RX1 form, none of which I recieved at any stage before now of course. I did get the chairmans report and it was the same as what I received back in Sept last year, My issue is that I never knew about these mods when they agreed them.

My new IP informs me that the original IP wasn't prepared to get the IVA backdated and therefore stood down on this case. Cant understand this of course.

Hopefully by the end of this week we will be registered, with only 4 years to go. Fingers crossed of course.

Another Q, my partner was only on one of our depts, does this mean she has to cover all of them if I die. ??



Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:37 pm
by mikebdomain
You signed an RX1???

IP Experts: Is this standard practice when entering an IVA?

Charlie: Was it explained to you that an RX1 is basically you agreeing to securities your unsecured debt?


Mortgage Broker

Specialising in adverse credit.

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Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:24 pm
by Adam Davies
A RX1 form just notifies the IP when you try and sell your house,it is not an actual security charge.
Your partner will only be liable for her debts not yours.
Your case is so interesting,please keep us all posted.
I would wait to see if they are going to back date your IVA before sending any signed forms back.

Andy Davie Spokesperson

About me:

IVA Helpline: 0800 197 4838

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:30 pm
by mikebdomain
Thanks for the clarification Andy

A land registry RX1 form is an application to enter a restriction. It’s the form we use to secure our secured loan charges….

I suppose the IP will use it then to enter a restriction whereas: no disposition of the interest in the property without notifying etc.

Makes sense now… Mind you, I did panic for a second.,.


Mortgage Broker

Specialising in adverse credit.

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