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Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:51 pm
by nic_23
Ok, so its the beginning of the month, and on the advice of Debt Free Direct I have taken out last months wages, and cancelled all my direct debits. So obviously Im going to be getting some calls. What do I say to them??

What can I say that will make them accept that one answer, so that they are not ringing me up every 5 minutes??


Nic x

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:04 pm
by jasperyogi
Hi there Nic,
Is it a DMP or IVA your going through? I've done both so when the creditors rang while I was on the DMP I just told them that they will be hearing from my DMP team shortly and explained that I was going through a DMP. Then when I swopped to the IVA, I only had one call and I just explained that the IVA had been accepted and told them to await confirmation from my IP. To be honest I havent heard from the creditors only 1 out of 11 ever hassled me in the 7 months since I started all of this. But, I think I've been lucky....I guess it depends on the individual company. Just be honest and polite with them when they call. Hope this helps
Regards Ali x

Why spend life worrying...when you can spend it smiling!!

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:37 pm
by BrassicLintus
Hi Nic, I was about 3 - 4 months behind with my payments before I went BR. No-one bothered me for the first couple of months, I was looking into an IVA so I wrote to them all and explained and never really got harrassed. It was only really Morgan Stanley that used to hassle me (about 6 phone calls every day - 6 days a week, thank god they had sundays off!) But I think the thing to do is keep all your creditors updated as to what stage you're at, that will save them having to chase you. Good luck.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:41 pm
by nic_23
Im just going through the paperwork stage of filing for an iva.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:55 pm
by jasperyogi
Hi there nic,
It took my Iva 6 weeks from start to finish, so the hassle wont last for ever. The phone calls I did receive were just to ask what was going on and to ask if I could make token payments...which I didn't do because it would have had an affect on my DMP. So just answer all calls, explain about the IVA and refer them to you IP.
I would be very surprised if your hassled at all as it takes a few missed payments to start the phone ringing!!
Good luck with the IVA!
Ali x

Why spend life worrying...when you can spend it smiling!!