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Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:44 pm
by hr1350
So had a call at work today (first time that has happened) from one of my creditors, told them I could not talk as at work can I have a number to call you back. Tried the number given did not work so called the main number now that was a mistake!

Asked for the collections department to advice whats happening the person on the other end (at an Indian call centre) would not pass me over and tried to get payment from me - no i explained been advised not to going through an IVA his response "Whats an IVA? I need to put you on hold" aaarrrrrhhhhh he comes back on the line, so your going bankrupt then? erh no not at all.

I was getting annoyed at this point so just said I would call back. Got home (who else is happy its a postal strike today no nasty letters waiting for me lol) found another number and got through to a lovely lady who thanked me for letting them know and I should not have any more calls from them for at least 28 days, by which time hopefully the IVA will have gone through.

In over my head looking for somewhere to turn

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:25 pm
by mondaynight
Its really difficult when creditors call you at work. I have found it so frustrating when they expect you to call them in office hours and you know you will not get home before 6. Even my DMP company closes at 6 and do not work weekends.

I am stil so scared about even considering an IVA yes its would be nice to be debt free in 5 years but its what they take from you in the meantime. I am even begining to consider banckruptcy but every day loosing the will to live.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:35 am
by hr1350
The way I look at is I want to pay back as much as possible and an IVA is the only way I could do this bankruptcy would mean nothing would get back to the creditors. Have you talked to any companies regarding an IVA ? I was so nervous but once I started to talking to people it does make you feel a lot better.

In over my head looking for somewhere to turn

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:47 pm
by iva_squirrel
Hello mondaynight,

It's well known that debt problems can affect one's physical and mental well-being. Many people in debt don't discuss their financial problems even with their partners.

If you can't yet face up to your debt problems, there is this forum and you can be certain that we are not here to judge anyone.

As hr1350 says, you will start feeling better once you start to talking to people.

Kind regards,

Julia Simavi

Shortlisted with special commendation for Debt Counsellor of the Year by Credit Today Awards 2007

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Credit Today Awards 2007

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:26 am
by iva experts
Mondaynight, Dont let any amount of debt make you loose the will to live. Remember there is a debt solution for every debt problem.

As the others have stated talk to a few companies and get some advice as to what they think the best option is for you. It will all become alot clearer.

Best Regards. IVA Experts

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:02 pm
by sarah1975uk
most definately true a problem shared is a problem halved. You bottle it all up it will just send you round in circles. talking about it will allow you the benefit of others experience and ideas and will definately make you feel better xxx

Thank you for eveyone's help & Support xx