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Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:07 pm
by moretolife
mrs s...if there was another category called the ...."i will survive" *** may well be the winner....this is just what i mean when i encourage folk to start a blog....anyone reading your first blog who has even one iota of identification will be encouraged to press on and maybe start their journey...your first blog is fantastic.....

there is a whole nation out there of desperate folk...who perhaps have debillitating illness.....children with disability.....single parents ..people who are bereaved....etc....who all need to know they can can go on...and not only that but there is life after debt..a good life....a life worth living and worth persuing.....

and not only that but you have stayed with the forum when you could so easily have said..."bye bye..thanks for all the advice but i am sorted now" have stayed to help and advise and encourage others....thank you

and for myself......i still have 3 years to go and i need to have something to reach for...your blog has given me much hope....thank you so much for sharing your journey with me

*** Brilliant idea moretolife.. now there is such an award starting this month

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:09 pm
by Viki.W
Lisa, what an amazing blog. You're such a great person. X

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:11 pm
by Lisa2009
Thanks guys xxxxxx

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:09 am
by Julie
Lisa, I have just read your blog and added a comment. Like Lily, I had tears streaming [:I]

Even though you have had a rotten time you still come across as such a positive person and your story will make us all think "I will survive".....feel a song coming on [:D]

Thank you so much for being so honest and sharing with us.

Also read other new blogs and its great to see more stories. xx

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:24 pm
by stressed_suzanne
[:I] Thanks moretolife :) I really enjoy writing the blog, and it's nice to know people actually read it [:D]

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:06 pm
by Julie
Got my M&S vouchers today - thanks ever so much xx