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Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:13 pm
by russell98
can you recomend a company who could give us an IVA?
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:19 pm
by Viki.W
Hey russell, welcome to the forum. Go to and have a look at the reviews on there, it will help you decide. I am with Melanie Giles who posts on here and so I can recommend her. X
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:22 pm
by aguise
Hi Russell and welcome to the forum.
You can get reviews of companies and Ip's on Melanie Giles that posts on here also comes well recommended.
The best thing to do is speak to an Insolvency practioner to ensure that you have all the information to make a decision on the right solution for you and your situation.
All the best, post more if you have any other questions.
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:36 pm
by Lisa2009
I agree with Viki and Ang. Melanie Giles is very highly recommended.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:04 pm
by cat 1
I would have approached Melanie if I would have known about her before my IVA.gOOD lUCK.CAT
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:55 pm
by poppy
If I was applying for an IVA now I would definitely use Melanie Giles.
I'm with Accuma, haven't had any major problems but communication is quite difficult and it takes ages to get a response.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:59 pm
by Soulgrowth
Hi Russell98 ... welcome to the Forum.
It is a good idea to ring a couple of IPs and you can get some numbers via the link that Viki posted. What is imortant is that you choose someone that 'feels' right ... especially as you will be entering into a long relationship with them. I would always advise to go with your intuition when choosing which company to represent you.
As the others have said Melanie's team is very approachable and committed to the cause so I would make them one of the numbers on your list to call.
And always remember that you are amongst friends here, so feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:00 pm
by Snow Dog
Well even though we are only at the very begining of the IVA process we have gone for Melanie Giles, or rather someone who works with/for her, too. We picked her firm because of the help and advice she gives on this forum. I am glad we found out about her before we chose anyone else[;)]
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:08 pm
by Soulgrowth
Good to see you making some really positive steps forward Snow Dog [:)]
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:15 pm
by Snow Dog
Thanks Debbie..After speaking to people on here last night I think it was the first night in ages I had a good sleep. I have to say though I just had Barclays Bank on the phone, pestering as usual. I told her that we are speaking to someone tomorrow about an IVA, and she said that I need to go to the CAB or CCCS to get some advice before going for an IVA! I told her that we have had plenty of advice and that this is the route we have decided to take[}:)]. I just look forward to the day when the nasty phone calls stop.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:18 pm
by Soulgrowth
Good for you! And that's the beauty of this Forum ... it gives knowledge, and knowledge gives power [:)]
Isn't it nice to be able to sleep at night [:)]
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:23 pm
by MelanieGiles
The only people who are professionally qualified to give advice about debt solutions are licenced insolvency practitioners.
It does give me concerms when creditors recommend non-qualified organisations before members of my profession. Whilst the CCCS do employ and insolvency practitioner (and a very good one who I have met personally), the CAB do not, so far as I am aware. Most IPs will give debt advice on a free of charge basis, so I fail to understand this attitude that seems to be ever present amongst the creditor marketplace.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:26 pm
by Snow Dog
It is really good to have sleep again[;)] Although I suspect I will have even better sleep if we get accepted on an IVA.
While I am here may I ask another question? I am not generally a rude person, in fact, I despise rudeness and always try to be polite to everyone, BUT, I am starting to find that I am being really horrid to creditors who phone us up..and I mean really really horrible. Last week I was so awful to a guy from HSBC that he hung up on me! Is this all just part of the being in debt situation do you think?
Sorry for going off the topic slightly here!
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:30 pm
by MelanieGiles
Well it is usually the other way round - so I guess you are getting your own back for all of the poor people on this forum who suffer rudeness from creditors!!!
Seriously, it is not a great idea to be rude to these people, who are only doing their job at the end of the day. The stress of being in debt can cause us to do all sort of strange things we would not do under normal circumstances - I got extremely wound up this morning because someone had parked in my parking space - but when I then sat about some clients of mine who have received redundancy notices this week it does put things into perspective a little.
I suggest that you match your tone to that delivered to you by the creditor - in which case no-one ought to get offended!
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:36 pm
by Soulgrowth
Good for you Snow Dog ... that's a real result ... a creditor hanging up on YOU!![:D] [:D]
When I was going for my IVA I was advised to 'explain' to my creditors. The very first telephone call I received I was very polite and explained about the IVA. It quickly degenerated into a very stressful dilaogue that left me shaking and very distressed and from that point I decided that life was much too short for getting myself so worked up ... indeed I had much more important things to do like work with bereaved families ... they had REAL problems ... this was ONLY money.
And so, from that first telephone call I had call divert put on my main phone and diverted all telephone calls to my mobile which has caller display ... and never answered another telephone call.
Life really is far too short and if your IVA is proceeding such telephone calls are all hypothetical anyway.