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Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:11 am
by mikebdomain
I was shocked to see Northern Rock being bailed out by the BOE yet again. What I fail to understand is; if there is such a problem with NR selling its book and they are still short of liquid funding, why on earth are they still lending, and supplying sub prime mortgage products?

They have just released an update to their product range and are still supplying very similar products to those which were supplied prior to the credit crunch. These are the type of products, which according to the rest of the mortgage lending industry both here and in the US are part of the underlying cause of the credit crunch.

I would have thought they would have; halted sales of all their mortgage products, and consolidated their existing business until they were able to sell their book or raise private funding.

Am I missing something?


Whole of Market Mortgage Broker & Mortgage packager

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Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:55 am
by ray_a
I have to agree Mike

Personally I think that this is now costing my wife and myself 5,600 and if I include my oldest daughter who is now working a further 2,800.

If one thinks about that could make a good contribution for a nurse, a teacher, or a policeman!

I know we have all suffered from debt and with IVA or bankruptcy we have had to rebuild our lives with some degree of supervision. I think all of this have shown some degree of humility in dealing with the debt issue.

I don't think I have seen any degree of humility from Northern Rock, the Banks, or the Government in allowing this situation. They have just carried on without any care.

I have some sympathy with the Govenor of the Bank of England who had a very tough attitude at the onset who took the view that the Public Money was not to be used to shore up companies who were clearly irresponsible!

Tough as it is, a certain Lady use to lecture us that you can't buck the Markets and sadly this is another example where it is best to leave it to the Markets to sort out. as Govenment backed commercial organisations sadly never perform!

The billions being placed in the hands of the markets is prolonging the agony and it would be best for the Banks to realise that they have been totally irresponsible and to come up with proposals to assist people with debt problems and make IVA's a means to sort this mess out!

It will be hard on the economy but in 4/5 years time we would all be the better for it as we have seen from our own personal lives!

Rant over!!!

Good Luck everyone!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:04 am
by mikebdomain
A good rant ray and I have to say I agree with most of what you say.

NRs customers have voted with their feet even FOS have said that they are amazed at the general publics attitude, they said yesterday;

“The people we saw on TV and in the newspapers – waiting in patient, orderly fashion to withdraw their money from local branches – have not been forming similar queues to complain to us about problems or delays in accessing their savings. And we’ve received relatively few enquiries from consumers worried about the safety of their bank and building society accounts more generally.
So while commentators have talked about the blow that the Northern Rock crisis has caused to consumer confidence in financial services, this isn’t something we have seen any particular evidence of at the ombudsman service.
But perhaps the number of consumers who did (or didn’t) come to the ombudsman isn’t the best indicator of how the Northern Rock affair affected consumer confidence. Instead, what’s interesting is the number of consumers who responded to the news by immediately taking matters directly into their own hands.
It’s a salutary lesson that the short, sharp shock of a bank in crisis appears to have done more to focus some consumers’ interest in the management of their own finances than any number of educational campaigns and money-awareness initiatives.
In response to the news about Northern Rock, people whose entire life savings had languished for years in low-interest current accounts – people too inexperienced, too uninformed, or perhaps just too busy or bored, to shop around for a better rate or better account – were suddenly making decisions and taking control of their finances in the most dramatic and empowered way.
So if we’re looking for a silver lining to the grey cloud of Northern Rock, this demonstration of consumer engagement might just point to a world where the active involvement of well-informed customers could help create a more effective market in financial services.”

It’s about time NR was made to stand on their own feet!


Whole of Market Mortgage Broker & Mortgage packager

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Directly Authorised Firm FSA No:313790

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Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:08 pm
by size5
They have stopped lending on an unsecured basis by all accounts.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:16 pm
by mikebdomain
They are still offering their unsecured loan product range


Whole of Market Mortgage Broker & Mortgage packager

Specialising in adverse credit.

Directly Authorised Firm FSA No:313790

CeMAP 1,2 & 3 qualified
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Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:01 pm
by Andrew Graveson
Hi Mike,

Just out of interest; if you currently had a client for whom a Northern Rock product represented the best option would you advise your client to use them?

Andrew Graveson
Mortgage Broker & Bright Oak Debt Management

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:47 pm
by mikebdomain
Good question Andrew - I would have to, wouldn't I? After all, there is no real danger of any client being disadvantaged by NR going down, the government via BOE have provided more than enough guarantees to ensure that.

I don’t even think there is anything specifically wrong with any of the secured mortgage products they are offering.

I think, however, there is something wrong with them still supplying products, when they cannot provide the finance for them, without the help of the BOE and its guarantees.

What about you?


Whole of Market Mortgage Broker & Mortgage packager

Specialising in adverse credit.

Directly Authorised Firm FSA No:313790

CeMAP 1,2 & 3 qualified
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Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:39 am
by Adam Davies
Maybe they have to keep writing new business so that their bad debt provision,as a percent of their business,looks appealing to possible buyers ?

Andy Davie Spokesperson and Website Manager

About me:

IVA Helpline: 0800 197 4838

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:39 am
by ray_a
One can't help thinking that it looks very impressive having a mortgage with the Bank of England!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:21 pm
by wen
lol Ray, perhaps Inland Revenue will make an admin error and transfer some monies from their BOE account... and rate the errors of coming it could happen!! [:D]