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Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:11 pm
by nomoremoney ... _page_id=2

Never properly thought out.....bring Labour back![:(!]

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:14 pm
by kallis3
I don't think you can blame this on the current government.

My employer was already planning on redundancies and had frozen recruitment BEFORE the general election.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:37 pm
by animaleyes76
You're joking!!!..

Labour created 900,000 new public sector jobs, many of which never needed creating in the first place.

Public sector employment has reached 6.95m,(2007) according to the little-known quarterly supplement to the ONS's Labour Force Survey, which asks all workers whether they work for the private or for the public sector. Public sector employment was only 6.046m on this measure in the summer of 1997.

If Brown hadn't used the public sector as his "unemployment reduction scheme" we wouldn't be where we are now.

The public sector should NEVER need to be that big, and those figures were from 2007!!

The public sector is there to provide services to the people of the country and for value for money, not be used to be used for political purposes such as employing people that don't even represent value.

I can't believe some people can still defend Labour....

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:39 pm
by Skippy
Well said Animaleyes. Whoever had taken over from Labour had one almighty mess to sort out, and whatever this government do, they won't be popular with some people.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:51 pm
by kallis3
Couldn't agree more animaleyes. If Labour had been re elected the same would have happened.

Even though I am a public sector worker, I do agree it is too big. It's about time they got rid of some of the managers - far too many chiefs in my opinion.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:57 pm
by animaleyes76
The thing i can't believe is most of the Labour MP's still act like there isn't any problem with public debt or deficit, let alone admit it was them that caused most of it.

The whole "the world economy caused it" line is blatant populist spin at it's best. Check the public debt/deficit figures before 2008, they were still AWFUL!


Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:25 pm
by kallis3
You didn't really expect them to admit to that did you?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:41 pm
by animaleyes76

Not really. It would be a refreshing change to politics wouldn't it :)

BTW and completely going off of subject for a second.. I've never used my real name on here have I?

Stephen :))

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:47 pm
by kallis3
Hello Stephen!

The next time a government, regardless of which party, admits it has totally messed up and apologises, will be the first!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:28 pm
by nomoremoney
Public sector jobs have offered very good pay deals with a very good pensions outside the civil service.Very few people would swap with their private sector counterparts.

No one can blame the government debts on an extra 900,000 council staff been employed since 1997?

The structural debt is more than a trillion pounds incl PFI projects and contingency labilities. It's the spending on defence, public projects,mindless expansion of Univ places with no jobs at the end of it and 20k of debt etc.Trident cost 25 billion!! All this madness went on in the 80s. Oh yeah...and [Police spending alone from 2 billlion in 2001 to 12 billion in 2010- Teresa May]

The country relied too much on Banks to supplement the national income....where is manufacturing gone??

It's not the public sector that has caused the be blaming the NHS and Benefit system soon...careful not to offend.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:41 pm
by Gettingthere
Just jumping in here, whilst I admit there are massive numbers of public sector workers in the UK (many of whom are not needed), I think that the Public Sector and Local Government are getting mixed up a bit, Public Sector is everyone from Civil Service (who get major bonuses and extras, holidays, private health care, free eye treatment and glasses etc..) to the good old local council, whose workers get nothing of the above and no pay rise for the last few years, these are probably the people that those who complain about the most who get the least of all the public sector workers and those are the ones the majority rely upon the most.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:55 pm
by kallis3
Public sector won't be getting any payrises for the forseeable future and I don't consider the last few that I have had to be very good.

I will get a good pension, but I've paid into it for the past 37 years and it has been invested wisely.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:59 am
by lukeofyorkshire
As someone who has run a private company employing over 25 people and who has been an elected member on a Local Council many years ago I have experience of both.

We do have too many people working for Local Councils and Governments, pure and simple. The Authority I was on could quite easily lay off 1/3 of it's workforce without affecting front-line services as there are too many people in back room jobs doing stuff that is irrelevant and all they do is create work to justify their sobs.

Even now I had 6 people from my Local Authority come to the site I look after and they spent half-a-day here walking around talking about creating 'an urban walkway' through our site linking the city centre with an inner city neighbourhood.

This has been in the pipeline for 3 years and will not be realised for at least another 3 as development has stalled on this site.

The larger development is about 2 million sq foot of office space and a similar amount of retail, cultural and residential.

It's a totally private project run by 2 developers yet when I spoke to these people the 6 of them work as a liason team and their sole job is this project, nothing else!!

The company that is doing 3/4 of this development has 2 staff working on it's project (Building work expected to start in Jan 2011).

Why are my taxes been wasted on 6 people who are basically doing nothing!! Sack those 6 people and pay the £20k plus that they must all be on as a minimum and employ 6 well paid street cleaners as the streets here are full of rubbish. In 2 years the council have never cleared the road and paths here, I do it for them as part of my job as I take more pride in this city than they do it seems!!!

Arrrggghhh rant over......[:D]

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:19 am
by kallis3
Well said Luke.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:04 am
by animaleyes76
Yup, he's spot on.