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Mortgage - moving house

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:33 pm
by rpick
We are looking to potentially move house - we have about £100,000 worth of equity in our house at the moment and would like to move to something bigger.
Is this an absolute nonstarter when we are in IVAs?! Should we wait until we finish them (just over 5 years away!) or are there specialist places that will potentially still consider us?

Re: Mortgage - moving house

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:52 pm
by Breezy
There will be a restriction on the title deeds which would alert any lenders to the IVA, apart from a credit search, and your IP would be contacted. Should you sell and release equity that money would be due to your creditors. So, yes, really a non starter.

If you could get the agreement of your IP and creditors, it would be on the condition, I imagine, of sacrificing at least some of the equity. Then you would have to run the gauntlet of finding a lender willing to co-operate, which, again, would probably be a non starter.