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Lump sum offer in 1st year.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:29 pm
by Debtlife
I am now fixed into an Iva of a payment of £180 a month for 5 years.. I have had my Iva for around 4 months, a friend has offered to potential gift me the amount of between £7/10,000, to end my Iva for me as a full and final figure.
I believe the total from the start for my Iva at £180 a month for 5 years totals around £10,800.
I know it’s very early but I thought they may want to get it over and done with and not have to deal with any admin fees etc.

All responses appreciated!

Re: Lump sum offer in 1st year.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:12 pm
by Foggy
So 56 payments (assuming you do not own your home) of £180 --- the creditors are expecting around £10,000 still to come.

Creditors are as happy to get IVA's over with early as you are -- it saves them messing around with small dividends every few months for the next 4 and a half years.
Some will depend on the original debt and how much creditors are already losing but there is scope to reduce that £10k to 9, or even 8k. Obviously the higher the more chances of them saying yes.

Re: Lump sum offer in 1st year.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:14 pm
by Foggy
Duplicate posts have been removed to keep all replies in the same place.

Re: Lump sum offer in 1st year.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:00 pm
by Debtlife
I own my home with my wife(non Iva) but no equity in property from when they set out the Iva..

So yes if the full terms £180 added up is around £10k so if I managed to get a gifted 10k could
This potentially be over with ?

Thank you for your response!

Re: Lump sum offer in 1st year.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:15 am
by Foggy
Owning your home will put a slightly different slant on things. Even with no equity now, the situation is due to be revisited at the end of the IVA, when things might have changed. So - the creditors will also be expecting some equity release or, if that is not possible, 12 extra payments. So that £10k is becoming more like £12k. However, I think it would be OK to round that down to £10k, so, yes, if you can get 'gifted' that sort of amount, a F&F offer might well be accepted.

Re: Lump sum offer in 1st year.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:35 am
by Debtlife
Perfect thank you!:)