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Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:56 pm
by freelili

As the heading suggests I have had just about enough of 2009. I have totally just had it with everything.

January. Diagnosed with this illness (actually that is something I have goog news about, been feeling really well for at least 5 days now). Grandad got diagnosed with cancer.

February Grandad died, had funeral etc.

March. Losing my home, great stuff eh?

April. I cant find my Cole, he is missing and I dont know what to do. I know he would come back if he could. I have phoned all the vets, printed off flyers to post through local letter boxes. Rang the wythall animal sanctury. Registered his picture with a lost and found internet site. I was awake all night hoping I would hear him, I kept on going out, calling. I have tried the cats protection legue all day and its just engaged or goes to voice mail, I have left messages. Any other ideas?

I have just had enough of this year already. Totally and utterly lost for words now, thats unusual for me.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:13 pm
by kallis3
Lily I am so sorry to hear about Cole. I hope he is safe somewhere and that he will be back later.

Put a few posters on lamp posts. Do you have a local pet shop? If so, then ask them if they will put one in the window - I know ours does.

I'm thinking of you, I do hope you find him.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:23 pm
by Skippy
I'm so sorry Lily. As Jan says it would be worth putting posters up on lamp posts, and you could ask the local vets to put posters up - some people phone the vet if they find what they think is a stray cat.

I'm sure he'll be home soon xxxxx

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:24 pm
by tori
Oh Lily you must be worried sick about your little cat - I really do hope that you find him soon. It just seems to be one thing after another - no wonder you're so fed up. Sending you a big hug - and keep us posted about Cole. Thinking of you xxx

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:41 pm
by debtmountain
Sorry to hear that Coles gone missing Lily, I do hope he returns very soon, you must be so worried about him and have had such a lot to deal with just lately, it's no wonder you're feeling so fed up..Other than what you're doing already and what the others have suggested, I cannot think of anything else to suggest at the moment, but will keep my fingers crossed that he returns home very soon for you....thinking of you..xx

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:52 pm
by Pap
Hi Lily
I'm so sorry to hear you're having a rotten time at the moment. I really hope your little cat turns up safe and sound and that everything else settles down for you.
I will be thinking of you and fingers crossed for you.

P x

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:30 pm
by cazlizzy
Oh Lily.[:(]
We have a saying in our house...but I will edit it a little to save Jan a job.[:D]
When ever something goes wrong, or backfires on us, we say the man with the sh***y stick is back. Well you are just so nice you don't deserve him lodging with you, send him back here, to the Dragon Lady..I am feeling strong enough to beat him with his own stick again now.[:)]
I do hope you have some good news about Cole soon, I know how upsetting it is and will be thinking of you.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:33 pm
by freelili
Thanks everyone, I have been out to search the cemetary, its huge so I couldnt cover it all. I searched all the hedge rows just in case he was injured or even dead. I cant stop crying, I want him back so very much. Or even just to know whats happened to him. I dont want to think of him suffering but I cant close my eyes without seeing his face. I know he is only a cat but I just love him.

I really cannot take anymore I dont think.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:37 pm
by Skippy
I'd never think he's only a cat because he's not, he's Cole and like you say you love him the same way I love Harry.

I wish I lived closer to you - I'd be out there with you looking for him. I'm just keeping everything crossed that he'll be back where he belongs soon, and I'm sending you a big hug and lots of love xxxxx

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:47 pm
by kallis3
Our pets are never just dogs and cats, they're our friends and companions.

I know how I felt when Suzie went missing and that was only for a couple of hours.

If I lived closer I would be out there as well.

Sending love and hugs to you.


Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:55 pm
by jane.l
I really hope you find your cat, I remember how devastated I was when one of mine was missing for nearly 3 weeks, Christmas Day too[:0]

I was so upset, it was like I had lost a family member, I could not stop crying, I searched everywhere, in the snow, rain, etc We put up posters (with a reward) on all the lamposts, in shop windows, put an ad in the paper, even got the local radio to play an announcement, (maybe you could try this?) We rung RSPCA, even rung the council to see if any cats had been found dead at the side of the road[:(] I just wanted to know what had happened to him. In the end, the perseverance paid off, a lady rang up (she had seen one of our posters right outside her house!) and she had seen a cat sneaking under the decking in her back garden, and it was him, we got him back, although he was very ill, he is fine now, the cheeky monkey! So don't give up hope.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:01 pm
by freelili
Thank you again, I am so glad youre all so understand. I have only really ever loved one cat so much, my cole. I am really trying to hold it together but I just cant.

I have printed a couple of pictures off to put in the tescos and the chip shop. When I have pulled myself together again I will stick them up.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:11 pm
by jane.l
I totally understand how you feel, I have always had cats and have 2 now but my George is my favourite, I don't know why but he is the best cat I have ever had and I love him to bits

I have just been moaning at him cos he keeps pulling bits of wallpaper off but I am now going to give him a big hug!

Hope you can hug Cole soon too

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:23 pm
by Skippy
Harry's the only cat who's actually been mine, the others were my mum's when I was at home. I love him to bits and I couldn't bear it if he went missing. I'm going to give him an extra big hug tonight and tell him his cyber friend Cole needs his positive thoughts xxxxx

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:13 pm
by Shining
Oh Lily, I'm so sorry to read of the terrible start for you in 2009. Positivity is hopefully just around the corner. I'm praying tonight for the return of Cole, my thoughts and prayers are with you xx