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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:23 pm
by apple2
We have now been in touch with a couple of companies - we have totally dismissed the first one as they were very sales like and did not explain anything at all well.
Our second choice of IP seemed a lot better - they have spent a lot of time explaining things to us over the phone... but we have not heard anything from them since Thursday? I'm now feeling very anxious and worried.
Initially, I informed them of our monthly income, priorities etc and we were left with a figure of around 950 a month for our creditors - however, during my last call with them on Friday - I advised I had got the figures wrong as I had not taken into consideration the fact that I had made a salary sacrifice for child care vouchers. I did not know exactly what the figure would be until receiving my monthly wage slip on Thursday. We are now in fact left with a figure of around £750 per month for creditors once all priorities are sorted out. At this point - I was advised that this was now probably to low to go forward for an IVA, but they advised they would be back in touch. our debts amount to 72k - 42k of which is with hsbc - then there are 6 other creditors.
I am confused as initially - when I posted on this forum many people said the figure of 950-1k seemed too high for an IVA???? So, please help! Also, the IP advised to stop paying our creditors and offer token payments - none of the creditors appear to want it - is this usual? This month is the first time we have actually missed payments - all but with 2 creditors - is this a normal situation? What happens then when we are not making payments if we do not get accepted for an IVA - surely the situation will then be worse than we are in? Please help - I am already at my wits end!!
We opened a bank account with Think banking and they have been useless - total waste of time. I have applied for an account elsewhere so will close the think one as soon as we get the details for that. I feel totally out of control at the moment - so any advice would be most gratefully received.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:28 pm
by indebtforever
which firm did you decide to go with?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:29 pm
by MelanieGiles
If I were advising you, I would firstly work with you to come up with an affordable payment that you can stick to for a five year period. This does need to be in line with current creditor guidelines, but must take account of your specific circumstances. It also needs to pass the gut feel test - ie do you really feel that you could afford to set that sum of money aside every month and live a relatively comfortable existence?

In my experience whether you make token payments or not makes absolutely no difference to the overall outcome at a creditors meeting, however it could stop the ongoing barrage of letters and calls you can be subjected to in the short-term.

Go with the company you feel most comfortable with, but do remember you have to work with this firm for at least the next five years, so choose someone you feel will be on your side as well as that of the creditors. You may like to have a look at my blog on choosing an advisor for some tips of what to look for and ask.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:31 pm
by apple2
the nightmare company we ruled out was Freeman Jones - the one we have now given serious consideration to is payplan

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:33 pm
by indebtforever
so are you signed up now and going ahead or are they getting back to you as i have read?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:36 pm
by apple2
We are not signed up - just went though the initial lengthy phone call and it has now been left at that. I had been expecting a call or at least something in the post by now.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:36 pm
by Lisa2009
You could do much worse than contacting Melanie Giles.
She is very fair and she actually cares about her clients. They arent just a number to her.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:39 pm
by indebtforever
well if i was you apple i would not go to a large company the one i would choose would be melanie do yourself a favour and give her a ring she has great reviews and ratings and does much work on this forum many on here will tell you this but the decision is yours

good luck

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:44 pm
by angela18
we're with melanie.. and her and her team are brill.. treat you like you're there only client

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:44 pm
by apple2
Melanie - please call me! It is really very difficult for me to talk during the day as I manage a team and do not allow them to take personal calls. To be honest - my considering a company has been purely convenience. I missed an arranged call from Melanie last week for exactly the above reason and the fact I had back to back meetings all day. I just seriously do not know what i should or should not be doing right now

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:48 pm
by MelanieGiles
Was the arranged call booked for an evening, as Melanie (the other one!) works during the evening and can speak to you at your convenience. My difficulty will be in marrying up your forum name to the details you provided, but I will e-mail this link to Melanie to see if she can pick up the thread.

Alternatively, if you want my direct e-mail address, you can get this from Andy Davie as I am not allowed to give this out on the site.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:51 pm
by apple2
The call was booked for lunchtime, but ~I did not get a lunch time that day after all! The best time to get hold of me would be after 8pm once I have got home and the children are in bed.
May I ask - who is Andy Davie and where can I find his details?
Many Thanks

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:55 pm
by MelanieGiles
Andy Davie is the site administrator of - see his contact Andy link above - or alternatively you could post an e-mail to me at - but could you make it clear who you are and that you would like a call back.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:59 pm
by apple2
I have just sent an e-mail across to you via the web page link as your last post. I found Andy's details as soon as I had hit the submit button!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:15 pm
by Soulgrowth
Good luck apple ... hopefully you may get a bit more sense now that you have initiated contact with Melanie [:)]

Do keep us informed as to how you get on.
