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Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:28 pm
by Noodles
Yes they tried to get me to include my house and I refused out right as I was like I said 3-4 months before closing they only thing I have ever signed since my original agreement was for them to make the mass variation for the ppi claims (as the letter states that if you don't you will be held in breach of the IVA) but I was still told to try and get a remortgage and I have had to get my house valued etc.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:32 pm
by Pennyless
Thats a disgrace Noodles. I would certainly seek legal advice or at the least take your correspondance and your original IVA agreement to the CAB.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:07 pm
by Jay H
This thread makes me a bit worried over GT I have 19 payments soon ill be into my final year and go through all this equity release etc...I have already claimed my ppi through MDC before the transfer to GT and I have asked the question to GT " will you make me go through the ppi procedure again as I have already claimed all the companies I could of had PPI WITH" and guess what no answer after 3 emails ...I have also sent proof of,all this to GT for my file

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:09 pm
by Tina Shortland
Sounds like a good idea Melanie to explore any possible mechanisms clients may have as part of a serious complaints procedure as giving clients the option to move would definitely change the landscape somewhat. Of course, no good IP firm, including us, wants an unhappy client or to let someone go, but there should be the opportunity for a client to change IPs should there be reasonable justification. We have a lot of clients asking if it is possible to change to us as I'm sure other companies do too to change to them, including GT. Not everyone has the same experience of a company as some of the conflicting posts on this forum prove.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:17 pm
by Skippy
To me it would be reasonable to be able to change companies if your IVA is sold on. My IVA was with Accuma, I was referred to them, not GT who I would have ended up with.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:27 pm
by Foggy
font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:<hr height="1" noshade>Originally posted by Tina Shortland

Sounds like a good idea Melanie to explore any possible mechanisms clients may have as part of a serious complaints procedure as it seems incredibly unfair where there are cases of clients undertaking services in good faith then having just cause for complaint but not being able to be released easily from that arrangement to continue elsewhere. Of course, no good IP firm wants an unhappy client or to let someone go, but there should be the opportunity for a client to change IPs should there be reasonable justification. I'd have to clone my self a few times if we were able to take on all the clients that contacted us to see if they move to us!....
I agree, Tina. Though, looking at the mess some of the sold on cases were, apparently, in, it would be a brave IP who took them on!

But, assuming a well run case, there should be a mechanism for the debtor to be able to "sack" a badly performing IP. It would have to be "policed" to prevent frivolous changes, however -- maybe through a panel of regulators.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:45 pm
by 4kidsnocash
Noodles,it also states on our letter for MVM that if you refuse or do not reply then your IVA will stay on its original less favourable terms............was that not included in yours??

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:15 pm
by mazzacbr
GT have really messed me around too. I only had my IVA for 9 months as I was given some 3rd party funds to end the agreement. Ive been waiting for over 14 months and still haven't had a competition certificate. I am contacting them every day and they promise they will call me back as their closure team has no direct line. I've sent email after email and had no response. I cant get to speak to anyone!! I just dont understand it. Where do I turn now??

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:27 pm
by Sharon.10
I was with blair endersby as well then I got transferred to gt my ip is mark allen as well I haven't had any contact with him either still waiting for cc and an ogoing Barclays ppi investigation I have at the moment doesn't really help me to close my iva it will delay me even further.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:13 pm
by kimbers
I have just come across this forum whilst doing research on Grant Thornton and its been loads of help already but I had an IVA with a company called money dept and credit. I completed my IVA Aug 2012, 14 months ago and I have a completion certificate to prove it. This month I have been receiving calls daily from Grant Thornton saying that they have taken over from money dept and credit and that my IVA is still not concluded as PPI reclaim was never done. And it doesn't matter what I say to them about the completion paper work I have they will not take no for an answer.
As far as Im concerned if I was to collect PPI money it should now be mine, this company had nothing to do with my IVA I've never delt with them as they bought the company after my IVA was completed. Im at my witts end this was such a stressful time of my life I thought it was all over and done with some time ago and now its a daily battle again.
Does any one know if they can make me claim and pay?

Any advise would be gratefully received.


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:14 pm
by Foggy
Hi. The IVA has completed and you are free to get on with your life. However, PPI is considered an asset of the IVA, as it existed prior to the IVA. GT are, so far, the only firm I know of going after old cases to claim PPI. Legally, they could be correct, it has yet to be challenged in Court.

They can, and will, administer the PPI monies under the continuing trust they have in law and the monies, net of costs, will go to your former creditors.

Now, as the IVA has completed, what duress they can bring to bear I do not know. Hopefully an expert with more knowledge of these situations will be along shortly.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:19 pm
by viperboyz
Unless of course your IVA was a defined assets IVA which then means GT is using legal assumption to put a claim in rather than legal fact, ie thier opinion vs legal law they really skating thin ice at moment and they relying on people not wanting to cause a fuss or been afriad of breach threats to get away with it.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:23 pm
by Foggy
This is true, Viper, which is why I used the term "could be".

It would be interesting to know what threats they can come up with. In law they have a continuing trust, but, also in law, there is no longer an IVA they can hold over head like the sword of Damocles.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:06 pm
by viperboyz
As with all legal things until someone can afford to challenge it they can get away with it and with the recent changes in legal aid its even harder now.
And in IVA's we dont have money or we wouldnt be in an IVA so they continue to tell us what thay think and want with impunity.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:12 am
by UpToMyNeckInIt

GT attemting to claim PPI from 'completed' cases of former IVA customers who were with OTHER COMPANIES. That is just insulting, as well as a huge breach of contract I would have thought.

Once you have received your 'Completion Certificate', your IVA is COMPLETED. You could win Euro-Millions the day after that, and keep the lot!

How far back does this policy extend Iwonder? So when GT take over my IVA company in 10 Years time, I can expect a phone call, can I? I will tell them where to go frankly!

I found this information from a well-respected Debt Management Specialist:

'If you have completed an IVA and have not been asked to make claims in the past, then yes you can claim for mis sold PPI.

It does not matter whether your IVA finished last month or a few years ago, your option to claim for PPI still exists. The key thing is that you MUST have received your IVA completion certificate from your IP. If you have not received this then your IVA is not formally over and any PPI compensation you receive in the meantime will still have to be paid into your IVA.'

Hope this helps.

Personally, when I receive my 'Completion' certificate (a few years off), then I take it as that: Completion. Any compo, windfalls, assests etc. after that are then mine to keep - end of.

I think all former RSM and MDC customers should utilise the information on this thread to complain in writing - by letter (far more sincere), not email. Make GT's life hell by making formal complaints.

It is crap like this that gives IVA's bad press.