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PPI company recommendations please

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 3:27 pm
by dmd72
Hi everyone

Just after a bit of advice really regarding PPI.

I have had a few info packs sent to me over the last couple of years,but have never got around to claiming any PPI back at all, this is mainly due to the questions on the PPI questionnaire asking 'have you ever been bankrupt or been in an iva?

I finished my IVA nearly 3 years ago now, and just wondered if anyone has successfully claimed PPI back from companies and if so any recommendations would be greatly appreciated, I really feel I have to get this moving soon as the deadline has now been set.

Thanks in advance

Re: PPI company recommendations please

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 3:34 pm
by Foggy
Even though you have been out of the IVA for quite some time the PPI still has to be paid to your creditors via your former IP. Many IP's though will allow you to keep it if it isn't economically viable to dig out all the old paperwork.

Why do tyou think they ask "that" question ?

Be aware though -- if you enagge a firm to claim they get around 30% of the refund --- if the creditor either hangs on to the refund to offset ( some do) or pays the money direct to your former IP ( many do) YOU will be liable to pay them their 30% -- so could be in the sticky stuff!

Re: PPI company recommendations please

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 9:59 am
by dmd72
Thanks for the unfo Foggy, looks like its a no go company wise then

Re: PPI company recommendations please

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:10 pm
by dmd72
Better off as a no go company wise then , how would i stand if i done it off my own back via letters and phone calls?

Would anything available just be paid direct to me?

Thanks for your help

Re: PPI company recommendations please

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:00 pm
by Foggy
You could do it yourself,but the proceeds will still be payable to the IVA. Again some firms will pay it direct and some will hold on to it. We have recently has a poster who did it himself and the creditor sent him the money. The IP was informed, or otherwise got wind, and is threatening to go to court to revive the IVA until such time as the lost refund is refunded to creditors.