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Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:47 pm
by Mohawk
Hi everyone!

I've been reading this forum for ages, I see myself in many of the people here. It seems that only yesterday I was signing up for 5 years of hell, but it really wasn't that bad and in truth I've been better off during the IVA than I could have hoped for. The hell of paying off the minimum amounts on my credit cards jst so I could buy food to eat using the same cards was literally killing me from the inside out with stress.

But is it soon to end? I am 7 days awa form making the last payment.....I hope?

As a born worrier, I should be screaming with joy at being a week away from my last payment (month 60 of 60), but I can't help wondering if things could still go wrong for me?

For exasmple, instead of a Certificate of Completion, could I still get a letter stating I am to continue paying for a further xx months?

In the last 5 years I have never missed, or so much as been late with a payment, and all my reviews and increases have been met with the appropriate payments.

I've always been truthful, and have explained to my IP of any need for increases to my expenses which has always been agreed by him.

Am I worrying unnecessarily, or should I hold off from cracking open the cheap champagne until the C of C actually arrives?

59 out of 60......eek!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:50 pm
by Shining
Hi Mohawk and what a lovely post that not only encourages myself I'm sure it's helpful to others.

If you've complied with your IVA fully and you're 7 days from making that last payment and there's not equity to sort then I guess you're almost done!

Well done you! The certificate can take a little while to come through and from reading on forum it appears to vary between companies.

Again well done!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:51 pm
by kazzafunk
I think that's a great post as it gives hope to those just starting out (like me!!).

There shouldn't be any nasty suprises as it sounds like you have been a model IVA'er!! Still, like oyu, I would be waiting before cracking open a can of Pepsi (don't drink) and a massive bar of choccie!!

Let us know when it's all confirmed and we can all cheer!!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:56 pm
by 4kidsnocash
Don't worry Mo (can I call you Mo?) I'm sure if anything was going to hit the fan it would have done long before now, oh and congratulations in getting to within 7 day's of 60/60. Me? My first of 60 (seems the norm these days) is in 7 days time, spooky!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:00 pm
by kazzafunk
Feels good though doesn't it even though I have 59 more payments. I still get a thrill out of paying cash for things.
I was stood behind a respectable looking lady at the cashpoint a couple of weeks ago and none of her 3 cards would give cash. That was me (well- not the respectable bit!) 3 months ago.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:06 pm
by Mohawk
I'm glad my story gives others hope. It wasn't my intention, but I'm glad of the result.

I guess I should re-inforce this message. Five years ago I truly had nowhere to go. I was shopping (typically) at the time and my partner said something to me not particularly irritating or annoying but I just blew up! No-one but me knew my financial predicament but I was at the end of my tether and just couldn't work out what I would do next.

I'd refinanced several times, its never the answer, I knew this, but I lived the life and couldn't lower my sights from the standard of living I had purchased (on finance).

I called a debt service who put me in touch with my current IP. He charged me a fee, but I didn't know at the time this was a con. But as it turned out I was just happy to learn of IVAs, I hadn't heard about them before then.

A bit of paperwork, moving my bank account and a meeting with my IP and I was suddenly solvent enough to pay my way and eat properly. What a weight lifted, I suddenly had my life back.

5 years seemed such a drag. Would I make it was always the question, but month by month, payment by payment I got each review out of the way.

And now month 59. I never thought it would arrive, but in fact it seems only yesterday that I sat outside my works on my mobile shaking and nervous talking to my IP in the sunshine.

It does end. And the following month all I earn is mine....I hope!

To all of you setting out: This is it! You have taken the first step to freedom. 5 years seems a long stretch, but it isn't. Every month is 1 month closer to total freedom, and at least on your way there you won't have your creditors on your back.

Good luck to each of you....sincerely.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:24 pm
by nepensioner
What a brilliant post Mo, I hope you enjoy your well earned freedom

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:29 pm
by Sarah1967
That's such a positive story. I'm at the start of my journey, and hope it goes as well as yours has gone.

Like you, I've been robbing Peter to pay Paul for so long. It's soul destroying isn't it? I am also looking forward to paying cash for everything, and keeping my new bank account in credit.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:34 pm
by Mohawk
Thank you all for your positive posts.

@Sarah1967: Soul destroying is it in a nutshell, I was beginning to think that there were no alternatives and that I would never not worry about debt.

Keeping the bank account in the black is great, I still sit at work grinning stupidly at all my colleagues discussing how red the colour of their accounts are this month.

Good luck you you, and all of you at the beginning of your journeys, its the first day/week/month of the rest of your lives.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:23 pm
by animaleyes76
What a brilliant post Mohawk, a great inspiration to all those starting out on their journey :)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:12 pm
by kat68
What a positive and encouraging post.
So pleased for you, your journey is almost at its end, congratulations.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:26 pm
by lem
Mohawk, I'm so pleased you have come on here to post now it seems you are at the end of your journey, as you can see I am at the beginning of mine and yes 5 years seems such a long time and I don't want to wish my life away but then when I look back to 5 years ago,it doesn't seem that long ago really so I'm hoping the time flies by with as little hiccups along the way as possible!

its a great feeling to know that for the first time in 16 years we have money (albeit not a lot) in our account and we are not overdrawn and everything we buy we can pay for with our own money and it's ours instead of a huge bill dropping through the letterbox at the end of the month

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:57 pm
Huge congratulations Mohawk.... I had exactly the same worries ie is something gonna come along and bite me on the bum. We paid our last payment on 5th July this year. I rang my IVA company 3 days later to confirm that the money had landed into my account. I was told it had and could cancel the standing order. I asked if the account would be moved to the closures department and was informed that all looked in order, and was congratulated by the member of staff at the end of the phone. A great feeling. I have heard nothing back, and it is early days I know (only 2 weeks ago), however I feel if there was a problem they would have contacted me by now.

So all in all, enjoy making that final payment and I wish you every success for a debt-free future.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:53 pm
by Grumple
Congratulations! Good luck for your debt free life.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:26 am
by Broke of London
I feel really motivated now Mohawk! Bring on next month's payment!!! Congrats on getting to the end x