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Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:03 am
by Julie
I sympathise Jan - if we could bottle motivation we'd be rich.

Why don't you try small bursts of walking up the hill and set yourself a target - like I'll get up there and be able to talk at the same time in 3 months?

When I started walking in January it was a killer - if I managed 1 mile that would be it. Now I do 5 miles about 4 times a week -I'm still overweight. I'm 5'6" and weigh just under 13st but I feel better for walking.


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:39 am
by kallis3
I really will have to try doing something - but it won't be today!

Weather is absolutely atrocious!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:50 pm
by aguise
Jan I had the same problem with walking and i literally had to force myself out the door. I just started with a short walk and then quite quickly found myself going further and actually enjoying it. We will have none of that hiding in the corner x I wish you lived nearer we could go walking together, i have to go on my own as hubby natters at me and I lose my breath if I talk too much and I went once with my older daughter and she was like a sergeant major and nearly killed me. I am going to get one of those mp3 players and listen to noisy music. I will more than likely start singing and scare half the neighbourhood lol.

Ang xx

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:55 pm
by Skippy
I would definitely recommend an MP3 player if you are exercising outside - although obviously only in daylight and not anywhere lonely! I love my iPod and if I ever drag my fat backside out for a run (not likely this weather!) or down the gym I'll be using it.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:48 pm
by debtmountain
Hi Kazzy,

Thanks for your kind words, and I may take you up on the Advice and Support sometime [:D]

It's nice to see that you are feeling a bit happier today. We all have those Days when we feel Down but that's why this Forum is so fab,we're all here, to support and encourage each other, not just about the Debt issues.


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:59 pm
by kallis3
Ang, that would have been nice.

Hub doesn't suffer from the best of health, so he won't walk far other than doing the dogs.

I did actually go out with him and the hounds yesterday and it nearly killed me!

Stupid thing is, that a few years ago I used to walk for miles with Bella.

Must get motivated!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:03 pm
by aguise
Thats the way Jan. It really was a task to get out of the door and I only went around the block at first. You will get there.

Ang xx

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:45 pm
by Kazzy E
Now ladies - that is why I am addicted to this forum! I didn't expect so many replies and am astounded that my thread has attracted this much attention. It just goes to prove to me, like in my debt situation, I am not alone. I know weight is a sensitive issue and one that bothers a lot of us, men and women. I would love to keep in touch on the WW thread and report my progress, and help others motivate themselves in their quest to lose weight. I am no expert, but I have been overweight pretty much all my life, so I have loads of support to give. Like I say, I just need to give it to myself every now and then.

Ok then girls, (and of course, boys), how many weeks away is FF B'ham? I make it about 10 weeks I think. How many of you are going to make a pact that we try to lose a pound a week before FF (obviously for those of you who need to lose 10 pounds), or for those who don't, what about 1/2 a pound a week? That way, we will all feel tonnes better for FF and will be able to show off our new figures for Christmas. What do you reckon? I am damned sure I am going to do something to get my backside in gear.

Hands up, how many are with me on this one?

Kazzy x

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:50 pm
by Julie
Kazzy - can I join in 2 weeks time? I'm off to Spain on Monday and intend to eat drink and be merry [8D]

I'll prob have a few more pounds to lose by the time I get back but I will try.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:53 pm
by Kazzy E
No pressure for anyone to join or when they should join [;)]. Just a bit of fun to help us along our way, and someone to moan to when we can't have chocolate (Viki, have your ears just pricked up? [:0]). I am happy for anyone to travel along the road with me. Kazzy x

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:54 pm
by Viki.W
I'll join you Kazzy, I've put on quite a bit of weight since I became unemployed, too much eating comfort food(yes, chocolate!) I could do with the motivation.

I'm in.[:o)] X

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:56 pm
by Viki.W
Wow Kazzy, I didn't even see your post, I really must just be able to sense the word CHOCOLATE [:p] X

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:02 pm
by cat 1
Hi Kazzy.I just want to echo what everyone else has said about how fantastic you weight loss is.What an achievement[:)]
I too struggle with weight and the emotions associated with it.I desperately need to loose weight but don't.I've even thought recently about going to see if I could have stomach band surgery.I'm clinically obese...lovely phrase that makes me cringe and blush just thinking about it! I also have underlying health conditions-BP raised and diabetes.I need to loose at least 8 stone to be what I should be for my height etc.It's impossible.Overeating is so evident to people isn't it.I used to over spend and over eat.I wonder if it's related.I even went for an assessment at a therapy clinic.Unfortunately, I did the assessment and CBT was not available.I wonder if this would have worked.Like you I am successful in my career etc and appear vey confident and caperble.I often have telephone only conversations and dread meeting the person face to face as they'll know I'm fat.Isn't that stupid?Keep going at it.Your dog will appreciate the longer walks.The reason I eventually agreed to the puppy coming was to make me get out and walk.I do walk on a regular assessment but haven't lost more that 1/2 stone.Cat x

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:29 pm
by Kazzy E
Oh Cat, I really feel for you too. I know what it's like to have a lot to lose as well. I can relate to being hidden on the end of the 'phone. I don't mind meeting people, as I do come across all sorts with my job but I always think to myself, I wonder what they are thinking? I've been told that I have a nice telephone voice, they wouldn't say that if they saw me though [:0]

It's going to be really funny at FF, as all the forum buddies are probably now expecting to see someone rather hideous [:I] It'll be good if people join me on my weight loss journey as they have with my IVA journey. I am so glad I have you all in my life.

Viki, we MUST leave the choccie alone - just think of your FF outfit [:p]

Kazzy x

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:41 pm
by kallis3
Cat, you and I could be twins.

I am morbidly obese, suffer the high blood pressure (but not the diabetes yet), water retention. I too hide behind the phone and very rarely go out anywhere other than shopping or work. FF will be the first time in a long time that I have been to a 'do' I could do with losing 8 stone+. I overeat, and then feel guilty afterwards, I am aware that people are probably staring at me and I hate that my clothes don't fit me.

Trouble is, I get depressed about it, so I comfort eat - and then feel guilty again afterwards. Vicious circle.

I will lose some weight again - I just don't know when!