we have a Together mortgage, I don't think it was a bad thing, our stupid mistake after that was getting another secured loan from Picture on top of that!!
We bought our house for 84,000 in 2004. Because of the Together mortgage, in 2007 we needed £113,000 to clear that, and the house was actually worth about £116,000 as prices had risen in that area, so really we would have been ok, it was just the fact that we got a secured loan on top of that for £35,000, which did plunge it into negative equity! Its our own stupid fault, I know, but I just cannot understand why on earth Picture lent us the money, they knew the house was already mortgaged at 120% and its value.
We were just desperate and did not know what to do, NOW I know we should have looked at an IVA at that point in time, but I did not really know anything about them and just kidded ourselves that things were fine and we could pay everything